
Not to add to your worry, but you express a common misconception. Pap smears do absolutely nothing to detect ovarian cancer. Their only benefit is to detect cervical cancer (or conditions that can lead to cervical cancer). Pap smears NEVER show evidence for or against ovarian cancer. For women at higher risk of

This is my biggest fear. I used talc in my underwear everyday from age 12 to 19, not knowing the hazards. All of my paps have been good so far, but the wait for results is always scary.

How many more times would you have made this comment if you had spent the first ten years of your career commenting on subpar websites?

‘Make-Believe Judge’... I like it! You’ll hear from our agency.

Merriam-Webster also offers this definition of whore: a venal (capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration) or unscrupulous person.

Don’t be sorry I’m

I read it as he murdered her.

Add to this:

Divorce is so unseemly. Somebody has to die.

Maybe Kevin couldn’t wait.

Divorce is so unseemly. Somebody has to die.

It’s MADNESS. Let me tell you about one particularly hellacious afternoon. I was leading a group of students around a gallery and before we went in we did a (1) do not touch the art (PAINTINGS. OBVIOUSLY DO NOT TOUCH PAINTINGS?!) talk and then (2) another one in front of the art about the appropriate distance to

Where I work, at the Museum of Amazing Stuff, life is a daily litany of please do not touch/do not touch/WTF DID I JUST SAY ABOUT NOT TOUCHING. I have been known to tell my audience, when giving presentations, that there will be no touching and I will smack hands if it happens. It helps if I am holding a ruler while I

I’m a defender of W&G, but in its latter seasons it made the mistake of many long-running sitcoms where it took what made their characters quirky into being just their quirks. So Grace was always angry and slovenly, Karen always oblivious, Jack a barely functional manchild, and Will always uptight. They were more

It would have been called Karen & Jack, because they were the best part of that show

I remember a while back she was on a talk show (Oprah maybe?) talking about fashion and she knows her shit about garment construction and history. I loved her for that.

Onya, SJP. You rule.

My friend sent it to me when she posted, and I thought it was the perfect monologue. 🎭

Oh shit, that was today???

I felt the same way about a chicken fried steak I had this weekend.