
I try not to be critical of writers on this site. Usually, if I think something is poorly written, I just stop reading, rather than leaving a comment complaining. But, this is a very big deal and it is very, very straightforward to report what the problem is. Everyone should be putting pressure on the Indiana

I’ll be at my local polling center likely being arrested.

Pence. Because he knows how evil and insane Trump is, but is enabling him to do it. He could have shut the whole thing down by repudiating Trump completely.

Wow. I’m sorry, but you missed the entire point of this article- you literally left out what the problem is. The state police SEIZED the tens of thousands (estimated 45,000) of voter registration forms that were filled in by voters, but need to be turned in. All of those people who registered to vote will be

Pence, because he’s a true believer in his own perverted agenda and is willing to sell it as religious faith. Drumpf doesn’t want to actually DO anything, he just wants to be king.

Oh, but Crooked Hillary is rigging the election.

What’s sad is how good of a question this is. Trump is unbelievably awful, of course, but the fact that he’s SO boorish and turns a lot of people off just by being himself almost tamps that down a little on a global level. The fact that Pence was named “winner” of a debate in which he just lied constantly gives a

Good (but still a lil’ creepy) to know.

What they’re supposed to do is hand you a robe, ask you to remove your underwear, and leave the fucking room while you do it. Watching a patient disrobe is a serious no-no and using the word “panties” (EW!) is just the icing on the cake.

This can go a lot of ways but I’m going to keep it simple; at the er with bleeding ulcer, young hot dr comes in and asks me to slide my panties down then proceeds to put his finger in my bum. Slide my panties down. That’s not how Drs should talk. Remove your undergarments, fine. Remove your underwear, ok. But fucking

Not a Ben Carson supporter and think he’s a man with no business in politics, but that stat is meaningless. Roughly 20% of all neurosurgeons are sued for malpractice each year. In only a small portion of the claims is the surgeon found at fault (like leaving a sponge in a patient, although that’s generally not a

A bit of context that was left out here: Trump didn’t invent the term “election observer,” and that concept alone isn’t cause for alarm—the law varies state by state, but campaigns are generally allowed to have people oversee voting (Obama did this in 2008).

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

You know, it was funny watching Rove’s head implode on election night 2012. When he literally got up from his desk, walked into the polling rooms, and started asking everyone how Obama won. And I remember that lady that posted that hour long YouTube video lamenting Obama’s victory and her cursing out Republicans for

The basic stance Trump supporters have adopted is something like: “We’ve nominated a candidate who is completely incompetent, disturbingly unhinged, and completely offensive to larges sections of the population. He has done nothing to build a coalition or even run a campaign. ALL THE POLLS ARE FAKED AND IF WE LOSE