
This is my last season with scandal. I'm over it.

I just caught up on this on my DVR and I had to stop it when Jake rigged the cabin to blow up & with 6 seconds left calmly walked out, in slow motion, with the cabin blowing up behind his "bad ass" stroll. Didn't duck or trot away from debris. Apparently, slo-mo made him invincible. I was done.

Totally!! They need to give Quentin Tarantino writer's credit. Straight rip-off.

100% agree that the costuming is brilliant. But the substance therein….meh. However, they did a great job casting Robert Plant, Bowie, and Elvis. And the whole Sid & Nancy (esque) story line with Jamie is kind of cool, too. But there's nothing here that's really pulling me in. Lacking depth. Except for Zak. I really

Agree. Anti-heros have to have redeemable traits. I could forgive Richie's antics as drug-fueled mayhem, but last night's episode was too damn much. At this rate, no Season 2 interest for me either. Maybe they will kill him off and switch the focus to a more relatable character. The show is on life support right now.

I completely agree. I must say that Zak is a much more compelling character than Richie, and I find myself looking more forward to his and Jamie's sequences than the main character. And that whole Hannibal debacle was horrible - not only because the actor was unconvincing as a (lip-synching Charlie Wilson) Funk

Random thought: I want Sheila back for a couple of episodes. Joan Cusack lent such a balance to the show. Would love to know what the character up to nowadays.

Completely agree!

Who keeps telling Richie's character to do a boogie hustle and toss back his hair every time he snorts some booga shugga?? The show is becoming a parody of itself because there are moments when it's so over-the-top….borderline camp. I keep looking for the subtle nuances that drive the interest of the flawed