Jazzy Tron

A prequel to a prequel! This is different than Obi-Wan, which was a sequel to a prequel.

Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova

You can see JJ giving Rian the finger in the background of every scene

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

Agree to disagree. I just dont think its smart to wait for someone to solve your problems or fix your life. 

writer-director Rian Johnson is at the top of his game. Not that he has anything to prove at this point in his career...his fandom is large and enthusiastic, and even us finicky critics seem to love everything he does

Looking forward to this and thanks in advance for Dowd suggesting the uncanny valley as an consequence of an unreliable memories of an old man. Oh and fuck Jim Spanfeller et al for destroying a site I visited daily for over 12 years.

I’m waiting for the Amazon Echo Alexa Kitchen Sink for 2020.

“This isn’t the paid promotion you’re looking for.”

Both the Imperial Star Destroyers and weird Rey fuckery further lend credence to the hilarious RedLetterMedia theory that J.J. Abrams is injecting time travel into this.

>I’m feeling some serious fatigue over the current “your childhood hero became a miserable shell and/or failure” trend.

Soo, think Disney is experiencing any regrets about handing Benioff and Weiss the keys to the Star Wars franchise?

Star Wars did have years of comic books and novels to mine for stories and they just decided to dumpster all of it. :D

Oh Star Wars, you dumb, self-flagellating perpetual train wreck. You’ve become cinema’s version of everyone’s worst ex we all cross the street to avoid.

Why is Jessica Jones being mean to Bruce Springsteen?

OMG this. Playing devil’s advocate for a split-second, I saw something—a comment, a YouTube video title, something—that claimed she was racist. Thought maybe she’d made an offhanded remark on Twitter years ago or something. So I clicked to read more, so help me God.

But no; she had the gall to call for more diversity

Who hurt you?