Alls I can do is speak from my own experience man.
Alls I can do is speak from my own experience man.
I’d love to see the The Last Jedi Netflix ratings.
Also we could only complain ‘so much’ because George Lucas was at the helm and who we were to disagree with George? TLJ it sucks and was written by just some dude.
I think that TLJ is easily the biggest fantasy/sci-fi franchise misstep we nerds have ever encountered. I know that sounds like hyperbole but I can’t think of another example that even comes close.
Agreed. Not only am I skipping IX, I’m convinced, and admittedly hopeful, that the movie is going to completely tank. I don’t think Disney and the AV Club/General Media realize the full scope of the TLJ disaster. The TLJ backlash is always framed as a vocal minority of reprobates when in reality I think most people,…
I (of course) have no business saying so but, I think Jim Henson would hate this movie.
Interesting - any theories?
Hot take - With the exception of Fantastic Mr. Fox, I think Wes Anderson movies are super boring.
Where did they film this and why in the winter? Everyone looks freezing.
ALSO - how many comments did the first Sharknado get at the old AV Club? Only 12 comments here nearly a day after the episode airing.
For me at least, it’s ‘the other thing’
Laughs - exactly.
I don’t care and goodbye Mr. Bautista.
Or a male Dana Carvey.
But also the Gunn tweets are gross so 🤷♂️
I like this show alot but I agree - the show kinda expects us to be dumb. I didn’t like how the police offer took her laptop outside to the dock. Why bother? Just look things up in the safety of the house and your room.
Sounds good - in fact I’ve been waiting for an excuse to watch that.
None of this matters. I hated Last Jedi and I won’t be paying any money to see the sequel - I can’t stand the movie plain and simple. Anytime someone tries to convince me that I’m wrong about my understanding of Last Jedi, my desire to walk away from Disney Star Wars increases. I’m happy to be moving along. Everyone…
Maybe this is all fallout from ending Amelie Gillette’s ‘The Hater’ column.
Laughs - yes. But it could add up over time because unless something changes, I’m skipping all future Disney Star Wars movies and no longer buying any merch.
I think TLJ is heartbreakingly terrible. The beautiful part of hating TLJ is there is no way that I will see Episode 9 - it is a relief to think of the time and money I’ll save walking away from the Star Wars