It’s certainly bad-sportsmanship, as it’s taunting, however, calling it sexual assault by virtual proxy is a bridge to far and diminishes actual assault victims.
It’s certainly bad-sportsmanship, as it’s taunting, however, calling it sexual assault by virtual proxy is a bridge to far and diminishes actual assault victims.
Yeah, like, who out there is saying it’s good sportsmanship? Even people who do it all the time would agree it’s disrespectful I’m pretty sure. That’s kind of the point isn’t it? Disrespecting your opponent as a victory taunt?
Its shitty juvenile bullshit but I think people throw around words like “sexual assault” way to quickly for things that are clearly not.
The thing is - he ran into a moving tail rotor. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how cautious and wary a person he was. He walked into his own demise. It’s a tragic incident and I don’t blame people for looking for...something. blame, anger, etc.
Rich people taking a chopper ride while in vacations ?
TIL about China’s porn ban and now their intense Covid lockdowns seem downright cruel
Take Two has finally and fully sacrificed consumer loyalty for dollars.
“punching down” applies when you focus only on marginalized targets that can’t fight back. What GTA does is far different, they come out swinging like a drunk in a bar brawl, they’re punching up at the government more than they’re punching down, but they’re throwing punches every which way. I don’t know how you can…
I hope she’ll end up as equally bad, horrible, and morally compromised as other GTA main characters. The kind of character that you know should be sent to jail for a lifetime, but you still kind of like nonetheless. Wouldn’t be GTA otherwise.
inb4 Steam as a whole gets banned because some people can’t let go of their porn fix.
Disappointed there’s nothing from the best anime of all time: King of the Hill
“Hey, what are you gonna dress up as for Anime Expo?”
Fans demand thiccer Velma!
Y’all keep bringing up the Iron Giant thing but I don’t think you’ve actually played the game lol his “attacks” are all accidental and are based on the film. He only attacks when attacked enough and gets special moves (the one he uses on the army in the movie). I hate IP mush too, but they made him correctly to canon…
A tier list for a game that’s still in Beta and hasn’t yet seen high-level competitive play is like a fancier way of saying “ in my humble opinion “.
Yes but not if you’ve spent your life never being told no.
The increasing size of vehicles has lead to literally thousands of extra deaths every year.
Seeing it compared to other cars, it’s hardly different than the dozers I see daily in Texas in terms of taking up road space. However, that giant lifted pointy grill is sitting at the face height of all those minivans & SUVs around it. It 100% looks like it will moose any tall vehicle it hits and crush the faces of…
A slide show? Seriously?