
Hatchback? That’s a Crosstour on a diet. Honda needs to grow some balls and make a real Civic hatch.

I’m sure they don’t have reams of market analysis to guide their product line decisions.

I’m glad they got rid of the center exhaust. Now you can put a hitch on it. I prefer hitch bike racks on my vehicles as opposed to roof mounted. 

Kind of funny how we’ve done a 180 in terms of it used to being the bible thumping Maude Flanders of the world policing words and it’s now the people who’d consider themselves “liberal.”

Rough seas, seasickness, and technical glitches brought his journey to an end.

At least it’s not as bad as Whistlin’ Diesel on youtube.  They took a darn near mint Toyota Hilux and destroyed it.  Heck I remember on video from a while back they bought a $200k Sema show truck and proceeded to totally destroy it. 

I really hate wasting a good car for something dumb like this. Use some shitty car like a pontiac aztek.

He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,

Well, I mean it can be a little odd to ship characters played by real people. I feel like that aspect tends to get lost on the hardcore (and I mean that in both the enthusiasm and...methods) shippers. These are still people playing a character and seeing themselves in compromising positions, gay, straight, or

Has a video game ever influenced an entire market the same way Gran Turismo has? I could say that perhaps Initial D (and the related TV show) inflated the values of late 80s AE86 chassis cars... but Gran Turismo has turned an entire fleet of Japanese cars into unobtainium.

The farmboy who left home at 18 to travel the world and get to know life outside of Smallville TOTALLY learned how to use chopsticks. 

Have you farted today? Just let all the hot air out. Release it. Feel relief.

Oh just fuck off you Imbecile.I’m absolutely sick to death of butthurt tesla fans raging against sensible, reasoned complaints.
The guy you worship does some things brilliantly and some things terribly. Deal with it

Okay if your going to defend Elon on this idea, I really want to here your augment on how the HELL is this a good idea for a steering wheel!

Found the Tesla Incel...

As a tesla owner and seeing this play out in the various tesla owners groups, you’re 100% right. There are people defending it adamantly like its some huge improvement, comparing it to F1 steering wheels. Cultists, everyone single one of them. But there are plenty of people who see the emperor’s new clothes dont

Be grateful you don’t steer with the touch screen. That wan’t a request. Be grateful.

Around a decade ago, Elon Musk and Tesla had a great idea. They developed an electric car that was the opposite of what we had come to expect from one. People thought electric cars were slow so they made it fast. We thought they took forever to charge so they developed a way to charge them quickly and built the

This is blatantly dangerous.

How fucking stupid.