So basically, people aren’t willing to pay actual money for this car.
So basically, people aren’t willing to pay actual money for this car.
Coincidentally, I ordered a cheap GBA this week for a hit of nostalgia and it’s been really surprising to revisit one of my favorite consoles after over a decade (I went with the OG horizontal one, I like that layout better). I remember it being a little dim, but my god, the screen is awful - even sitting under a lamp…
I have TONS of hours in both L4Ds, and when I read above that there was an AI director, my reaction was “Really?!” Always just felt like plain ol’ RNG.
Not sure if you’ve ever played Left 4 Dead, but between that and its sequel I must have spent dozens upon dozens of hours playing co-op with my friends, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. May totally not be for you, but the point was spending time together talking and playing something that was rather straightforward…
I hope I’m wrong, but this did not look fun. Just multiples of the same enemies running at you over and over again while characters say really bland uninspired dialogue.
By your logic...
Davis Divan is not a car because it has three wheels.
Tesla Model Y is not a car because it has no engine.
BAC Mono is not a car because it seats one.
Come on, man. Open your mind a little.
Top Gear isn’t dead. In fact it’s one of the most watched car-related television programs in the world. Why wouldn’t I want to emulate something that people relate to and interact with every day?
City dweller, successful fella thought to himself
Oops I’ve got a lot of money
Caught in a rat race terminally
I’m a professional cynic but my heart’s not in it
I’m payin’ the price of livin’ life at the limit
Caught up in the century’s anxiety
Yes, it preys on him
He’s gettin’ thin, try the simple life
Man, remember when internet trolls were just this guy taping buttered bread to a cat?
Kotaku, I want to support you and don’t currently block ads, but I swear if you continue to autoplay obnoxious, loud, random ass videos without warning I will ad-block you into oblivion and/or be forced to go elsewhere. I love the site, community and want to support and don't mind ads but reading articles is getting…
Hmm, what a suspicious comment. What’s your angle, scumbag?
Not everything have to be deep and convoluted. The people just wanna showcase some “wholesome” videogames. Let them do so. People are becoming so jaded that apparently everything has some sinister agenda to derail your worldview.
I very clearly explained what I could only see as a willing and deliberate misinterpretation of their words. They wanted to ensure the games on display were representative and inclusive. Of course all the games would be “wholesome” - that would be the point.
the little video says “original”
Extra! Extra! Total Waste of Time Shocks World, Demonstrates Is Actually Only Partial Waste Of Time! Unexpected Partnership With Genuinely Competent Artist Creates Silver Lining! More at 11!
Still waiting for that review about what Pokémon should be doing instead of what it is doing.
Cool. Sounds amazing. A console exclusive for a console that’s so exclusive only the bots are fast enough to buy one.
“in many ways it’s the same game developer Insomniac has already made several times over”