
Lindsey Graham is what happens when Jim Crowe, a jar of rancid mayonnaise, and the demon from the ring get drunk and have sex in a MAGA rally port-a-potty.

Here are two of my opinions on the fall season. (They don’t matter and it’ll end up in the greys anyways so feel free to shit my very tiny world view)

I appreciate the developers of Baldur’s Gate pointing out the lack of creativity in user created characters.

My wife is always afraid of random noises in our house at night. I totally understand hearing a weird sound when you are half awake and getting freaked out but we also have 5 dogs who sleep with us. They do a pretty good job of sleeping through noises that don’t matter and going insane from human noises.

All I read was Donald Trump has to die, I agree.

Rowling is very obviously transphobic. It is odd that she wrote a series of books about being oppressed and protecting the innocent, from a genocidal maniac and then starts tweeting ridiculous opinions.

This is just one more step towards the socialist hellscape liberals have planned for November. Can you imagine a world run by people not like Hitler and Mussolini? This will be the end of Christianity as we know it. Also 2nd amendment and something about gays.

I was extremely unorganized and forgetful early on in my marriage. For a long time I didn’t realize the amount of stress I was causing my wife because of my lack of attentiveness and my laziness.

Here is my moral dilemma. I am a new to the scene gigging drummer, I don’t make a ton of money.(currently getting my jazz performance degree)

Couples counseling definetly saved me and my wife’s relationship. I had a HORRIBLE temper that I could not control she was extremely insecure and overly emotional. Once I came to terms with my shittyness and she came to terms with her emotional flooding the nature of our disputes changed.

I’m a father of a 14 year old young woman. I recently told her “trust no man. Especially the man you trust the most. It won’t be your fault if your assaulted but good people are usually always good. Bad people can only hide bad for so long. Even if it’s 4 years once bad shows up you protect yourself and apologize to

So angry about the ridiculous toxic media that destroyed Andromeda! It was definetly not the best in the series but it is by no means a “bad” game.

Finished mass effect Andromeda(shitty ending, but fun game imo) now starting horizon zero dawn again. Totally forgot how good that game is! Also trying to avoid the gaming heroin that is the Witcher 3. (It’s calling to me but I keep avoiding it.)

I’d highly suggest it, it’s like a Nintendo version of hot shots golf!

As a life time Arizonan we can now look forward to a lifetime of 4-12 seasons. The GM and owner should be put in prison for wasting Larry Fitzgerald’s career.

I loved this game! For a golf game though it was a little too easy. Mario golf on the DS is super fun the online tournaments are cool and the courses range from easy to super hard.

Now playing

It’s acually a dot thing, for formations to look geometrically correct it helps if everyone is near the same height. The hats really help that believe it or not.

So every sport is now resorting to lawyers for their rule book now. Foot ball is nearly unwatchable with all the slow motion replays for what constitutes a catch, first downs, fumbles, how to listen to the national anthem.

You win

Mass effect Andromeda. That game got so much shit and it’s a a fine game. Not the best mass effect game but certainly not deserving of the nonsense reviews and criticism it got. It’s has to many fetch quests but that doesn’t interrupt the story or dialogue or alien fucking.