
Its amazing that the republican party/president is now hated by most of America and the DNC still can’t figure out how to capitalize on it. Its like playing soccer against a team with no goalie and still losing.

CPS doing due diligence is like stop and frisk??? Okay...

This again?! Whenever she was in the right, CPS didn’t falsely accuse her of anything and when she was in the wrong, they got involved, I’m not seeing the problem here. After reading this series I actually have a lot more respect and trust in CPS than I used to.

I just walk right into them. Most of them time they’re not expecting it so they bowl over like a house of cards.

I hope this emergency funding plan by Murray and Alexander goes through. Otherwise, the biggest insurer in the country is going to be Go Fund Me.

I made a post on Facebook asking why there’s no social media movement for men to post on their pages about and ask what they can do about gender-based violence. It took under 40 minutes for a male friend to comment back and say he was once groped by a woman and therefore I was being unfair to men. This was

All. Day. Long.

100%. And then, when somebody finally has enough and kicks them in the balls with her steel-toed stilettos on, they’ll be all shocked and like “THAT CHICK WAS MEAN TO ME! WHAT A BITCH! SHE’S DIFFICULT! BLACKBALL HER AT ONCE!”

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

Why would you run when you are free to do whatever you please in your own country?! That kid is, for all intents and purposes, a prince.

Posted the same in the greys. It was a textbook example for how to properly apologize and non-apologize to the same offense.

So women who miscarry are being charged with murder, and this shit gets charged with “injury to a child...by omission?” after literally starving a living, breathing little boy to death? I hate this fucking country.

Is there any truth to the rumor that the owners of the Route 9 Diner are opening up a new restaurant in Indiana?

Why not both?

Did you happen to notice the linked article you provide to support your claim that domestic violence spikes on Super Bowl Sunday is about debunking this myth?

My adorable mom asked me to post this: