
I am theoretically in agreement with your idea of equal reproductive rights for men. I think the bugs could be worked out so that children, women and men are all protected. First thing's first though: abortion needs to be practically (as opposed to only theoretically) available to all women. This is not the case

I've thought about it some more, and I've decided: I'm outta here. This piece has achieved nothing except to incite children to tease a dog through a fence just to get him to bark. Every time some kid walks by the fence this dog is gonna bark and all you are doing here is reinforcing his behaviour. I totally don't

I'm not too sure why we are discussing this guy and why there is a link directing us to his blog. I read some of his blog and yes, he's obviously misogynist but his government gets girlfriends project has no support even from his fellow incels and MRA's. Women's rights are not going to roll backward because of this

I have a theory that cars etc... do display your status but mostly to other men. I should disclose that I have zero interest in cars and I don't know what would constitute an impressive one, but if I really liked cars, I would probably be more impressed by your knowledge of cars than your possession of one. It would

My father explained female gender roles as pre ordained by god (in his opinion) to be advantageous for women because they never have to be responsible for anything that goes wrong in their lives. They must accept their husband's decisions even when they strongly disagree, but they have the privilege of not bearing

I visit MRA blogs occasionally as well as feminist blogs. The more reasonable among us don't actually hate each other as much as we think we do. Both sides build straw men out of one another's arguments and make generalizations about the other based on the most extreme or argumentatively weak members of the group.

I feel very disrespected when my polite refusal of food is met with an attempt to persuade me that I "can afford it" or I need to put some meat on my bones. I am an athlete who has some food sensitivities. Anyone who does not respect the fact that what I eat directly affects what I love to do most, affects my health

Half of the people I know are men. I cannot think of one of them who thinks it's o.k. to murder anyone for any reason. You might be a little paranoid. An angry glare does not mean they think it's o.k. or desirable to murder you. There was someone who made me so chronically angry that I fantasized about murdering

I would add that not only are they capable of self control, but I'm pretty sure they don't want any woman, especially one they are attracted to, to think they are a creep and feel threatened and offended by them. Only creeps aren't worried about that and their problem has little or nothing to do with self control.

Perhaps genetic modification isn't inherently bad but the "Round Up Ready" gene certainly is. Monsanto has been caught and even been penalized dozens of times for blatantly lying about the safety of it's products, threatened lawsuits on legitimate researchers if they dare to publish anything contradicting their

Jezebel leaves much to be desired in a feminist web site, that's for sure. Most of the articles are garbage, some are downright problematic and the odd time there's a gem. The discussions are sometimes interesting and the comments informative (even when the information is that people are ignorant assholes). I'm not

Muslim martyrs (Islamic terrorists are considered martyrs by their people) are promised a hundred? a thousand? ten thousand? (I can't recall exactly) virgins in the afterlife. This is the premise of the joke.

It's offensive because not all muslim martyrs are terrorists. You can argue that all muslim terrorists are martyrs which might mean it's actually not offensive. The anti muslim sentiment in the west is a little bit hypocritical when it's so often coming from socially conservative religious people who would gladly

That was awful and a lot of women lacked whole lot of self awareness in their reaction to it. There is an element of the last bit of #4 in Lindy's article I think. Even despite the only publicly known facts that showed he was the victim, it was responded to as though she was actually the victim acting under duress

"My point is, that it has nothing to do with discrimination a lot of the time."

I highly doubt they are tearing people apart for sport, it would be a complete waste of their precious time to interview people who they have no intention of considering. If you were to become skilled in a trade (construction, welding etc...) I guarantee you a job in Canada.

You are all welcome to come to Canada. It's not perfect here but something like this would not be considered anywhere in Canada. If anyone dared to suggest such a thing they would not survive being immediately torn apart. We still argue about funding safe injection sites (and the people who actually care about