
One thing to consider in case you don't want to be a douchbag is that any time a man doesn't take no for an answer it puts a woman in a difficult position. Don't confuse submission to coercion as consent. Also, I don't know exactly what you said but "can we please continue?" is still weird but at least you are

It is interesting that many of them can be quoted as saying the do it because they have some special talent or skill to upset people. Yeah, you're such a genius for telling a suicidal teen to kill themselves. Ugh.

16 year old girls can not fairly be expected to always be "smart" or to know how much alcohol they can drink before they pass out. They can be expected to know that raping someone who is unconscious is wrong and that subsequently trying to ruin her social life by distributing pictures of her private parts is wrong.

According to this article, the detective said "She didn't ask you to put your fingers in her vagina, did she?" and they said "No."

It's o.k. We all know who it was meant for and thank you.

Everyone involved will have to live with the consequences of this forever. I hope the sex offenders can be rehabilitated but they obviously have some serious issues that warrant their continued supervision by the courts. Maybe they shouldn't ever be allowed to work around children or other vulnerable people since

People are mad at you because the light of public awareness is always directed at the victim, what the victim did, what she wore, what she should have done to prevent it etc... Just because you started your post by saying what the guys did was wrong does not excuse you for the subsequent victim blaming. 16 year old

Viagra helps a guy achieve and maintain an erection and he must be aroused in order for it to do so. If lack of sexual desire is the issue, Viagra won't help. They are pretty awesome at marketing to make people think it's a magic pill.

How annoying in a secular society that a healthcare provider has the power to enforce their religious dogmas on innocent people. I haven't been aware of this being a big problem in Canada, however if you live in a rural area with only one nearby pharmacy and one doctor (if you're lucky) it really could be disastrous.

I'm in Canada and a pharmacist can legally refuse to sell you plan-b if he/she has moral objections to it. It's never happened to me but it's infuriating that we allow it. Are doctors allowed to deny people blood transfusions on religious grounds? Can grocery store cashiers refuse to ring in your meat if they're

Don't spoil the fantasy! That's all it is you know, just let us enjoy it.

I've shopped online for Carhartt stuff and they also use images of women doing physical work outside to sell their women's gear. Whether or not you are a misogynist probably depends on what you think of that.

I've hugged many people and I know from experience that there are many different kinds of hugs: short and casual more like a handshake, aggressive with some back slapping, brief and warm, longer with a few sways side to side while squeezing etc... Maybe they are all just hugs but if it's only ever one way and it's

Oh, and I would just add that if you internalize some unhealthy ideas about masculinity, that's o.k. I have my own unhealthy ideas about things too. I think it would be a mistake for me not to acknowledge that because I would miss opportunities to grow as a person.

No, you're not sexist necessarily but you might ask yourself why if you have a hard time sharing a warm hug with a dude. I can see instances where the bro hug is appropriate, in a pumped up celebration of camaraderie during a sporting event or something but if you have trouble just squeezing for a moment and letting

Thank you. I don't know where all these people work out who basically say that the only excuse for not looking like a Hydroxy Cut model is people's shitty diet and lack of exercise. The gym I train at has a great sense of community so I know what these people are doing and they are strong and amazing and very

Or maybe less interest in unprotected or unsatisfactory sex? I don't know, I'm from Canada. Just based on my own personal experience, I know more about sex and feel more satisfied with my experiences now that I'm 30 and I have much less sex than I did when I was 20. I no longer risk the the emotional turmoil of

Maybe you are just a troll and I shouldn't respond, but are you condemning her for keeping her memory of this intact? Are you making baseless assumptions about how this experience affects her today? She didn't say she was completely fucked up about it still to this day and I think it's understandable if the

I'm an athlete and I train 10 to 12 hours per week with other athletes, I consider diet and sleep as part of my training as do my fellow athletes. We are not all thin or chiseled or small and we all work hard. Some of us have to weigh and measure our food in order to make sure we eat enough, some have to do that to

This doesn't happen. In Canada getting an abortion is "no big deal" and it's still a pain in the ass. You have to miss work, it's painful, there are risks and you can't have sex for awhile after. In countries where abortion is covered by insurance, other forms of birth control are as well and public hospitals