
A kipping pull up like they do in gymnastics is a skill, a strict pull up is not a skill, it is just strength and you don't need to give up your womanly figure to attain that. I have never seen a woman at my gym doing pull ups who didn't look like a woman.

I never once said she was a bad person. I now get the "joke" and it doesn't appeal to my sense of humour. It made people pretty uncomfortable and it would have been provocative in an intelligent way if the reference was what my husband initially thought. That's just my opinion.

As a Jewish person you might be in a better spot to pull this off than anyone else. Anyone who doesn't understand the reference will probably feel uncomfortable until you explain it. I kind of wish I was the type of person to wear this kind of costume but I'm not so comfortable being provocative, even if it would

Love it, on so many levels.

Some people think that the insistence of the existence of the female g-spot is sexist because to stimulate it requires penetration, unlike the clitoris, which makes men feel like they have an important role in a woman's pleasure and satisfaction (which they may or may not actually.) Also it is supposedly analogous to

A woman at a party several years ago caused some discomfort when she dressed as Hitler but with whiskers and a tail and kitty cat ears. My husband, being a fan of graphic novels, said to her "Oh, Maus." She was like "huh?" He said "Maus, right?" She had no idea what he was talking about (neither would I but I

I've been in that situation before sort of, I went off birth control pills for health reasons and my boyfriend got all whiny when I asked him to put on a condom. It really made me feel bad and turned me off. I didn't dump him then and there but now that I'm older and wiser I definitely will if I am disrespected like

I guess I was agreeing with the initial post that you responded to that said the outing of violentacrez was a victory and being petty and vindictive probably doesn't help anyone. Just bitching about all these trolls and getting really, really mad is exactly what they want. So do some good journalism and hold them

But it doesn't. A troll who made a disgusting Facebook page after Amanda Todd killed herself (a big Canadian cyber bullying story right now) says that his motivation was getting a rise out of all the tough guys who threaten to harm him if they ever find out who he is. As long as he can remain anonymous he derives a

How many teenage relationships last more than a couple of weeks at a time? O.K. I don't doubt that some freshman you knew was taken advantage of somehow and some senior guy was a jerk but you make it sound like all senior guys who were attracted to the new freshman girls were assholes who were looking to have sex

I live in Canada. I had an abortion in a local hospital. I had an initial consultation with a nurse where we talked about both sides of the ethics involved in the decision and then a discussion of the procedure itself. A week or so later I presented my health card, had a non-invasive ultrasound, had the procedure,

The entire quote is disproved when you consider that a woman is only fertile for a few days in her menstrual cycle but desires and enjoys sex on all the other 20 plus days. It's safe to say sex has been a socially important activity between people for much longer than this guy suggests for more reasons than

You are absolutely right that there are unethical practices in mainstream agriculture but I do not believe that domesticating animals for the purpose of human consumption, help with tasks or companionship is wrong in principle. You may remember Joel Salatin from Food Inc. I can guarantee you there is no "rape rack"

It is not illegal to stimulate or penetrate an animal sexually. It is done routinely for artificial insemination. In the case of female pigs, conception rates are increased if she is "turned on" before they inseminate her. While masturbating into a donkey is gross, the donkey herself is likely unfazed by the whole

I wasn't suggesting that the donkey appreciates the guy's physical touch in a sexual way but maybe she finds it pleasant, my point is that she's property and we accept that so it's not rape. As an aside, when pigs are artificially inseminated, the person interacts with the pigs in what equates to fore play and then

A donkey probably can't consent to sex as she doesn't really understand what she would be agreeing to (if she could say "yes"), however, the donkey's entire life circumstances are not consensual. She is born into slavery essentially. She has no autonomy. Her master can sell her to another ranch or kill her at his

My skin is on the oily side, I wash my face with water and don't use any lotion. The climate where I live is dry in the winter so if my face feels uncomfortably tight and itchy I use unscented, hypoallergenic body lotion, no brand loyalty, just whatever has the least ingredients and unpronounceable stuff, this is