Jazz G

Lmao! I'm not sure if she knew they were white. But i wouldn't put it past any of them.

I actually stumbled across this page because I was in the comments section of a Scary Mommy post by a Black woman about why she teaches her daughter to love herself as a Black child.

As far as the creators being white - I think it is good. I don't think Black people need to watch this because we literally live in a constant fear that is taxing on your best day. This movie is triggering. I recently came across a FB page titled, White Nonsense Roundup. This is their mission statement:

In the original YouTube video about grape fruiting - she suggests a large naval orange as an alternative based on dietary restrictions (grapefruit can react with a lot of medications).

They actually are on Faux News (I heard, I won't watch that shit). Apparently, this is all because of the liberal media hate machine. Liberal terrorists against republicans.

That is touching. Really touching.

Under that criteria, Mary J. Blige is definitely a singer. I FEEL her music. Will definitely concede it may be the lyrics.

I asked a white guy with dogs and he said they don't talk to him either. Just the pups. For once, it's not personal.

I was pissed at the news for showing the video. I don’t believe they showed the actual shooting but I wouldn't know because I walked out the room.

When did you graduate? I was class of '04 and Chick Fil-A left after my freshman year.

Lol at being called Obama in Egypt. I went to Israel in '10 and the entire time I was in Old Jerusalem, I was Michelle.

It wss based on a book so I doubt it. And frankly I hope not.

If you guys were indeed purchased by Home Depot, can you hook us up with discounts?

Yo. I feel you. I need a Love and Hip Hop recap yesterday.

I was spanked. Not often, about once or twice a year. I thought if I ever had children then it would be a given that I would spank.

This is so poignant. I read Gifted Hands, I wanted to be a doctor before and reading that toughened my resolve. So, this fall from grace has been particularly painful.

We all have that one who got away - because we couldn't see the forest because the trees were in the way.

My sister is marrying a Filipino dude in a month. They are extremely happy despite the strange looks they get.

The alternative to this (aka the liberal version) but you're smart enough to go to a white school.

Congrats Moonlight! I actually can't handle any more second hand embarrassment this weekend so I will check out the clip tomorrow. But I've read all about your moment on Facebook and I'm so happy!