
You know, my mom doesn’t like it either, so I think he could learn to live with that.

You should be friends with my dad. He has a trans son and a gay son. He really likes bicycling. Maybe you could turn gay together. Just give it a shot.

I’m actually surprised that Lambda Legal, ACLU, or Transgender Law Center hasn’t brought suit. Maybe they think it’s premature until there’s better precedent out there set in the more liberal federal circuits.

Will ACLU Kansas take you there? Sue the fuckers.

Depends where you live. In four states you are prohibited from doing so. In many others, doing so is a costly and onerous process.

Thanks! Yeah, I’m grown up, and I’m getting nervous. My heart is really with the kids; they operate in a world where name-calling, physical violence, and ostracization are socially acceptable behaviors. Over 20 years later, I can feel the ghosts of bullies past hovering over me in the locker room. Even if SCOTUS

I publicly came out last May. I work in a federal building. I pee in a federal building. I shower and use the gym in a federal building. My colleagues have been nothing but supportive, but still I pretend every day not to be terrified that it will be the day that someone finally gets “brave” enough to act out on

How much can you be expected to smile a week after you find out the man that’s supposed to be peeing only on you sees the whole world as his toilet?

I’ve been watching that Leah Remini show on Scientology and getting the feeling that Trump is playing from the same playbook—this aggressive “you WILL show total allegiance”/alternative facts dynamic is pretty much the same. He’s not leading a country, he’s leading a cult.

This is Barron with his toys and Donald with his.

A/k/a Drafty.

If life imitates art, it was her brother.

Beautiful, but your retort would have been slightly improved if you had said, “well as a librul cat lady, I’m so glad you couldn’t bring your dead cat!”

If you still have questions, this was just released. It talks both about “gender-expansive” children (which sounds like it describes your child) and the subset transgender children.

Trans person here. I was very strongly identified as a boy when I was young. Tantrums about dresses, telling my parents I’d grow up to be a boy, lots of dress up and imaginary play as a boy. I agree that there’s a difference between exploring other gender roles and having a strong personal identification with a

Incidentally, I’m a transman who has testosterone monitored pretty regularly. I got my results today and they’re higher than Trump’s. Some would say that makes me more qualified for the presidency than Trump.

He wants to get a Secretary of Transportation nomination. #bridgeghazi #neverforget.

But if it were a “she” that talked a ton about fishing, hunting, snowmobiles, and ATVs...then SCORE!