Did you watch her "acting" in that clip??? The day to stop shitting on Lena is not today. That looked awful.
Did you watch her "acting" in that clip??? The day to stop shitting on Lena is not today. That looked awful.
i agree, i always assumed thats the reason she purposely dresses bad for red carpets. If she actually did what a stylist would tell her to do, she would look so amazing that it would sort of ruin her persona. I remember a girl from high school that was one of the best looking girls at the school, then after going to…
…and they gave her PIGTAILS?! Kara was right, someone on the Scandal hair and makeup squad really does not like Lena Dunham.
Megan, Pete, Betty and whoever can battle it out for WORST.
I think it's interesting that most viewers tend to think Megan is the worst when she is probably the most independent of the women on the show.
DISAGREE! Faye was the woooorst - that freakout she had when Don asked her to watch Sally? Geez. You don't want kids, that's fine, but own it like a woman and don't come sniveling to your boyfriend about it like a scared bunny rabbit. Megan was more poised and confident before Don started having an effect on her.
I really really need that to happen. Peggy & Stan (and his beard) 4eva.
She is REALLY good. It annoys me when people rag on her acting because her interpretation of that writing is beautiful. I think people equate Betty's coldness with bad acting.
That's a hilarious image!
Where she got me was after she smashed up the car and she was wigging out about the idea Sally could have gotten a scar on her face.
Can you imagine Joan telling her, "You're not much, so you just be grateful for the attention?" Would not compute.
And people rag on her acting, but that scene in which she was in the bathroom stall after she saw Don on a date with Bethany was some good acting. Did you see how she was able to get the blood to rush to her forehead? One pissed off ex-wife.
January Jones is too classically hot to pull off Peggy. Couldn't have got that awkwardness,
Lena Dunham has the temerity to snark on what an old dude wears? I can imagine she yells at her stylist "I SAID FRUMPIER!!! LESS FLATTERING TO MY BODY TYPE AND SKIN TONE!!!
I lost it when I read Grindr as one of the apps that Kylie is on.
I had a boyfriend who was friends with his ex. And it was all so healthy, and why was I so jealous, and they were just friends geez...until he literally disappeared with her for two weeks and took her on a ten-hour road trip to introduce her to his parents.
Carol is playing the long con, i mean her talking about her husband and being a little den mother.... how many of us watching that dialogue went back to thinking about her killing and burning the two infected bodies back at the prison, killing Lizzie or taking down terminus?
Carol: smart woman..... or SMARTEST woman?