Silas is a cutie. Not sure on the name yet, but that baby is adorbs.
Silas is a cutie. Not sure on the name yet, but that baby is adorbs.
She contributed to the process voluntarily when they were together and planning upon spending the rest of their lives together. Not when they had broken up and she is engaged to another man. Presumably Loeb is healthy and can produce sperm. If that’s the case, why these eggs?
I didn’t mean to indicate that the legal decision should be based on the fact that men have been telling women what to do with their reproductive systems for years. That’s my emotion, not grounds for a legal opinion.
I agree Loeb is not trying to do anything with her equipment (sorry, the best word I could think of) but to me, those embryos are still a part of her reproductive system. The eggs came from her ovaries. The genetic material is hers.
I hate this John Doe/Loeb guy.
I've said it before, but I have seen Gabrielle Union at Miami Heat games I've attended. She is that gorgeous in person too, even when she's cursing out a ref or telling DWade how he f*cked up a play. Just gorgeous.
I work in family law & have for a couple of decades. Although I’ve seen a lot of women (and some men) in abusive relationships/cycles, I claim no expertise. All I can say is that I have a client right now who has filed and dismissed 3 DV’s against the spouse and every single time they reconcile. Said client just…
As a Heat fan - yeah, there’s still a few of us - this sucks. On the one hand - PICK - well, maybe, kind of, if it all works out. On the other hand - SIXERS - which, being I’m from Philly I’m almost ok with cheering for, except, well, SIXERS. UGH I hate when you get to the end of a season and your team is positioned…
I was trying to continue the Wayne Knight storyline into real life, but upon reading it ... meh. Sounded better in my head.
UGH Nick Loeb!!!!! I hope he trips on his way to ... wherever .... with all the eggs in hand .... because why not? ... and Joe Manganiello & his muscles kicks Loeb’s ass. That’s just about one of the worst things I’ve heard. Lesson here ladies: If you freeze your eggs with a man, make sure you have an agreement in…
Good luck Rita, safe recovery & best wishes.
That gives me an idea for the next bout of insomnia! Thanks moosh!!!
Sometimes I wonder if the only people left watching this show are media, in order to write about it.
Really? So yeah, I've been dressing wrong for festivals for years. Make that decades, actually.
Let's repeat it out loud folks: Every single person looks stumpy legged. E-ver-y-one! They never look like they fit properly, either too tight or hanging off the leg.
So is it really going to be Clinton against Bush? I don’t know if I’m up for that again.
These ladies all looked better before their makeup. What a wonderful week for skin & brows! I mean, those brows, I'm so jealous!
Bravo for this!
Are titer blood tests expensive? Hypothetically would it be worth it to have adults' titers tested every decade or so?