
@shooga: what I didn't understand was that once I inadvertently clicked on the link and the site didn't work. I mean, you can get away with saying IE only when you're writing a corporate website, but an adsite? duuur...

@ottermann was here: Yeah, GV extension is the first thing I add. Who needs an app to sync bookmarks, when that's built in to Chrome? I haven't used C2P much yet, but I bet I will once my brain gets used to the idea.

@cc: Don't feed the trolls.

@Captain Greedle: Because it's easier to do it this way. Annoying, but true.

@Jesse Scroggins: Yeah I played hours and hours of multiplayer Doom... oh...wait...

@TheCrudMan: Spoken like a man without three friends.

@RuckingFetard: Most of the "people in the comments" (here on gizmodo and elsewhere) who had problems were rooted, had flash installed, etc. etc. You definitely had a bad time in that case.

I posted a couple of other messages, but I guess they got deleted?

@RuckingFetard: It came from HTC. It was the "right" build number. Oh, and it worked fine.

@jonathan comments sometimes: Uh, at the time, it was thought to be the release build. It's been fine for me, update to .6 went fine too.

The in-store trade-in change was what pushed me out. Not sure I can bring myself to go back, even though I hate my wife's netflix account. It's always offering me her historical dramas. Yes, I know I can have a sub-account, but you can't stream under that account.

@snoop_dizzle: Ick. Some people who had problems were cured by doing a hard reset. Sucks yours didn't. At least you're getting a fresh new phone.

updating now. I didn't have too many problems with the .3 update, with the exception that everything was reset to refresh like every seven seconds, which destroys your battery.

@Vrank92: N=9,785 is plenty for a high degree of confidence. It's the selection of that group being non-random that makes it worth little more than headline-fodder for Giz.