@holy holes batman: Well, remember that this is not all 40-year-olds, but 40-year old singles. So you're weeding out the attached population whose partner count flatlines (theoretically they should not be on this site).
@holy holes batman: Well, remember that this is not all 40-year-olds, but 40-year old singles. So you're weeding out the attached population whose partner count flatlines (theoretically they should not be on this site).
@Red Redding Was Framed: wow, a closeup of the wild douchepotamus! Obviously, it would have to be a self-portrait, since anyone coming that close would have succumbed to the Axe body spray.
@CheeNOMNOMNOM: Yeah, that pretty much explains the whole article.
@Arken: Well, that's what I came here to do, but I actually read the article, which was fascinating.
@gstatty: Hey, 2007 called, it wants its noob Android advice back.
@telepheedian: Ugh. I hate the everpresent, but useless, notification.
@pz: it IS a major company though.
@DaSmith: Take a side man, we're at WAR!
@MaQ: Simple solution: don't buy it.
@MTVAH: You guys are all doing it wrong. You should blend your bodies and then put them in an empty big gulp, which fits in any modern cupholder. Trunk not required.
@Anonymoose: WIN.
@Yeah!: No, really. You're wrong.
@Thom Kozik: Interesting thoughts, thanks.
@Bailen: It's EV-DO (the 3G that CDMA uses) that keeps you from making voice & data at the same time. EV-DO originally stood for "Data-Only" although if you ask anyone in Markteting they insist it's "Data-Optimized." There is such a thing as EV-DV, but that just never took off because people didn't give a shit about…
@FriedPeeps: You're feverish.
@FriedPeeps: ...and feed them to you one by one.
@MayorBloomberg: Soccer is for deviants. Heaven has a batting cage.
@Nitemancometh: Verizon gonna rock a data cap like a punk if the iPhone comes.
@FriedPeeps: If it's a CDMA iPhone, I'll buy you a case of peeps.
@atrus123: *maybe* an LTE phone, but not CDMA. Not enough global demand. Coincidentally (or not) that's about the right timeline for the expiration of the AT&T contract.