
@R.b.3: I'm pretty sure that's just programmed into the radio firmware, and would be possible to change. They just don't.

@yay4john: See if you can get a Sprint phone activated on Verizon's network. They'll tell you to go pound sand.

@MayorBloomberg: I'm kind of like the carpenter that only has a hammer. That's all you gave me, so I whomp on it until it's pulpy.

@MayorBloomberg: Sorry you're having trouble understanding what you read, but I said I read it after attempting to puzzle out the "proof" provided to no avail. So the whole "just a fact right now" is as yet unconvincing.

@MayorBloomberg: I looked at the larvaLabs page, and the text was TL;DR, but the charts were completely unlabeled and unintelligible. I went back and slogged through his deathless prose, and he certainly seems to be backing up your point, but even then I couldn't make heads or tails of his charts, so minimal credit

@benjgvps: I got nothin'. Stop using a phone where your fellow users are morons?

I can't believe no one has pointed out the big difference between the economics of developing for the Android Market & the App Store. In both, the developer gets 70% of the payment, but where does the other 30% go? On iPhone, it goes to Apple, on Android, it goes to the carrier. That can make for a BIG marketing

@MayorBloomberg: Yeah, so do you want to develop in Objective C, which is iOS-specific, or Java, which gets you Android and all the 2.8 Billion BREW phones in the world?

@Go Vols!: Or, if you want to actually *think* about the question, no, they don't.

@benjgvps: And what exactly is the developer's incentive to make you a free game?

@sonoluminescence: Yeah choices are great! It's like those Ford Model Ts, where you could get any color you wanted, as long as you wanted black.

@LTMP: They need a baby leash and a shock collar for lil Jobbsie.

@tillman: Would that it were so easy. I have to somehow convince all my friends to start driving on these bumpy-ass superfringways.