
@Markarian: YOu guys remember when qakjdfjka4352jasty245dlkj tried to put jello in the pool and fell in? And then tried to explain to campus police it was because he was trying to rescue a bunny? OMFG Hallarious!

@Ferdiyan: Yeah, you guys care about soccer too, so...

@jazmatician: Fring also connects to skype, so there's a whole 'nother group of a'holes who will call you for video chats when you're on the can.

The first one's better: "I'm on a horse."

@RawheaD: My solution: don't install iTunes. I don't need to learn iTunes, because I don't use it. But I recall getting in to some sort of snit with it, where I had disabled updates, but then it refused to do something until I did the update. Hazy memory, best forgotten.

@Jimmy From The Block: Oh, the signal issue is not going to be fixed by this update. No matter how tall they make the first three bars.

@tech-tard: I poked at cubed, but it seemed gimmicky. Ain't choice grand?

@RawheaD: I said nothing about Microsoft. But since you mentioned it:

@RawheaD: Providing a single extent implies a one-dimensional space.

@bigtimes: The walled garden is pretty until you notice the doors are locked.

@Matt0505: I weep no matter his/her age.

@DoYouLikeToastToo?: ahahahahaa! LOL! Apple, lowering prices! You are just ADORBS! ROFL!

@Kaiser-Machead: Yeah, and aren't those update "reminders" from Apple GREAT? I LOVE getting told to update Bonjour and Quicktime! Constantly!

@Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets: Have you tried Mortplayer? It's very nice, even in a 0.7.21 beta version. Great widgets, good, smart player/media manager. Developer's been around forever too, I remember using it on WinMo.

@Jimmy From The Block: So now it comes out that a "bug" in the iPhone 4 software "accidentally" displayed more bars than it should have. So it's a software fix of a software problem. That I'm sure was TOTALLY AN ACCIDENT, and Apple had NO INCENTIVE to make the iPhone report more bars than it should have.

@RawheaD: In other words, It wasn't my comprehension that was the problem.

@RawheaD: Well, a one inch, 1dpi screen would only have one "dot," but (given its state of "on-ness" and "off-ness" is random) would carry one BIT of information. If it is capable of up to 256 colors, it is theoretically capable of 8 BITs of information. Since some colors are much more likely than others, its actual