
@talkingstove: No, Oceania is at war with EURASIA. Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia and allied with Eastasia.

In other news, Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia.

@Zinger314: You win whatever the was analogous to the Internet in the late 18th century.

@pseudorocket: They were heads of the E&D Division, which includes the WP7, but also XBox and other consumer devices.

@NydiaRadass: With the one caveat that it doesn't work in a power outage, like a regular* phone would.

@Andy S: That's why we have a market. With choices. You get what you want and may babble incoherently to people who don't care about your opinion about everything else.

@Dallifornia: So says the guys who has trouble lasting 37 seconds! HEY-O!

@Jordo5150: It holds as much water as the android "fragmentation" argument does.

@unaffected: I always wonder about this complaint about Baseball. I love football, but did you know there are only 11 minutes of actual playing time is in the average "60-minute" football game?

@aggsliota: Seriously? You think that the commish should be able to change the outcome of a game? You're really going to argue that? How far back do you go? When do the champs get to have their parade? Or are all outcomes subject to revision?

@Jordo5150: Wow, that multitasking is going to be GREAT on my iPhone 3G! Wait, what? But, but the iPhone wouldn't be frag-ment-ed, would it? Well, at least I'll be able to change the wallpaper on my iPhone 3G.

@earle117: I think by "too many versions" he means "not enough versions Steve Jobs approves of."

@frigg: Because Steve "Freedom From Porn" Jobs knows what your phone should and should not be able to do.

@SmarchHare: That's why we hate it in America.

@eCommArchitect: Actually, it makes Gallaraga's achievement all the greater. His is the FIRST (and let's hope only) 28-out perfect game. Do not fool yourself, his performance (and I mean both his athletic and personal performances) will be remembered long after the first 20 27-out perfect games are forgotten.

@yantelope: Uh... It would have changed EVERYTHING for the commish to change that call. If you set that precedent, when can you ever claim victory? If the commish can Deus Ex Machina change the scoring of a game, why couldn't he change the result of a game? No, my friend, once everyone walks off the field, the game

@sublimnl: Double ++ with extra "duh" points.