
@abda92: No telling what you can catch from a broad these days. Tell him to take some penicillin. That should clear it up.

@FriarNurgle: It's a dumb opinion. Just my opinion.

@jazmatician: By the way, I hereby grant a license to the community to use the expression "droid-rage" as a description of the irrational behavior of iFans. Just givin' back.

@snitch: if by "better software" you mean "we won't let you run software we think will give you an 'experience' problem" then yes, I agree. I just disagree that I need Jobs or anyone telling me what kind of "experience" I can or should have.

@snitch: I didn't say the battery life is great. I'm just pointing out that your rabid fanboi droid-bashing is a dead giveaway of your google-fear — dare I say, 'roid-rage?

@snitch: Even under the heaviest usage (i.e. acting as a mobile hotspot while being actively used), the battery isn't dead in three hours. You're just being hyperbolic.

@tipTI: Not to mention freedom from Porn!

@jazmatician: Correction, a buddy of mine gave me some bad info, the iPhone screen is smaller, but sharper than the EVO.

@AdamKaoru: Yes, you've been the picture of restraint.

@ddhboy: it's actually at a hardware DISadvantage to the EVO, no? weaker processor, wireless tech, smaller screen with less resolution? I mean it's got a gyroscope, if you'd like to play Wii Sports Resort I guess the iPhone is your choice, but on pure specs (i.e. not counting "experience" which is completely

@clearbox: Wow. That is like the first rational comment anyone has made in favor of an iPhone. Congratulations sir, you win the Internets.

@snitch: Yeah, us muggles will just save the $50 a month and use 4G. Have a nice time at Hogworts with DumbleJobs.

@snitch: Why yes. Yes it does.

@MrHaroHaro: Your irrational babbling is ADORBS.

@Kraken: I'm sorry, I was reading this from planet Earth, where Sprint costs $50 less a month for better service. Oh, and the EVO is the same price or $100 less here. Would you mind explaining that comment?