
Yeah, when Rochester, NY and Pasco, WA are your *headline* cities, I don't think it's that big an announcement.

@maltesh: I think you can have it go in a certain order, it's just a matter of "setting" it to start the cycle at the right time

@maltesh: As in, implement this suggestion? It's a built-in feature of Windows 7.

@infmom: That is not recommended behavior. Yes, it works, but you're not supposed to use those cloths without a liquid. If you have say, a grain of sand on your lenses or the cloth, and you rub it around on your lenses, you *will* scratch them.

@Lord_Data: I think it's more a reminder to look at the time, than a way to tell time.

@Badger_Dave_: Here's what I just discovered. Every app you ever authorized to take a "What your TRUE Friend" quiz, has been able to see every like, pic and post you've made since then. I mean, if *you're* OK with anonymous quiz developers tracking you, by all means, go ahead. And until recently, every app a friend

@cdb273: Actually, you can now stop friend leaks. It's a (I think new, and certainly not very well publicized) setting in application privacy.

VOTE: LastPass. By a MILE.

@Brian Chiger: pwnd