
I think it’s just Bloom et al poking a little fun at us ladies. The show satirizes the socialized behavior of everyone, including women. She’d like us to admit that even the most rational of us ladies sometimes over-generalize and stereotype about men when we are sad or hurt or when we commiserate with our friends.

My take is that they’re making fun of reductive, black & white, binary thinking– which, incidentally, is the strategy commonly used by conservatives.

It’s either just a harmless fluff piece about bitching with your friends, or:

Sorry this is long. I think it’s a completely complicated issue, and unless you have had it done to you, or knew someone like HW, you (not personally, in general) won’t possibly understand the mindset and the way you try to forget it. Or think that, yes, ok, this guy a creep to women but he can’t possibly be actually

Two of my all-time favorites. I wanted to be a lighthouse radio DJ so bad after seeing The Fog. Okay, mostly I just wanted to be as cool as Adrienne Barbeau.

John Carpenter’s The Thing is just an all-around excellent movie. The build-up, the suspense, the pay-offs, the ending.

I showed my friend The Thing and she actually gagged multiple times. It was awesome.

Adrienne Barbeau missed her calling as a DJ. That voice was entrancing.

More of a satire but Shaun of the Dead is my favorite. A few not on this list are Let the Right One In, Evil Dead, the Exorcist, the Innkeepers. I don’t know that I have the best taste in horror movies though.

The Thing is my go-to Saturday night at 2 am movie in bed.

The Thing really set the bar for grosstastic make-up and puppetry, and still stands as a formidable example of how much more effective special FX are without CGI.

Omg the dude....I can’t. I read the book so I KNEW he existed, but they made him so creepy.

And make no mistake, the “moguls” that told Weinstein to fuck off and die didn’t do it out of some noble wokeness. Ninety percent of them are just as bad but didn’t have quite the reach W did.

And there’s always this gem, too...

SOOOOO fuck Matt Damon.

My rage level at that comment:

“This franchise made her and let’s be frank, it’s all she is really known for.”

Also Big Trouble in Little China

The trailers make this come off as a “White People Nonsense” movie. Apparently, they have so little actual problems in their lives that they love creating them for a sense of drama. So yeah, sorry not interested. Call me when it’s Taraji P. Henson getting her groove back with some hot dudes and she doesn’t have to

Ding, Ding, Ding. We have a winner!