
100% agreed. Plus, the love was palpable and we only really saw them together for those few seconds.

Jon and Dany? Jesus, even the boning was half-hearted. You’d think in the face of all the death around them the Wolf and the Dragon would have steamier we’re-still-alive-sex.

That is the rule of thumb I am going by. And if he isn’t alive, wtf you guys lame way to kill off half of the best couple on that show.

Now playing

Despite being heavy into my Shahrukh Khan phase when I found out about Devdas, I never could get into it.
That being said, this is one of my favorite songs:

Seriously *eyeroll*. Plus, without any pain meds or anesthetic, can you actually take off that much skin at once without sending the body into shock and possibly even heart failure?

Cersei is for sure gonna fuck them over big time and Sansa is right to fear her. But story-wise there isn’t much other option for Jon except to go down and get the dragonglass. Dany and Jon meeting is a major plot point and has been ever since ppl speculated Jon is a Targaryen. And now that we know its true, it

I don’t know if it’s the directing of Sophie Turner or Sophie Turner as an actress (though I kind of agree with you because she wasn’t a very strong Dark Phoenix in X-Men either), but when she speaks up in the hall meetings she doesn’t come across as a very authoritative person that deserves attention. It comes across

I kind of agree about Sansa being shrill, though. Lady Olenna Tyrell, for example, she is not shrill. She is an absolute BAMF. Lyanna Mormont? She’s a child and yet she speaks with way more authority than Sansa IMO.

I wouldn’t describe Cersei, Arya, Ellaria, or Yara as shrill. For me it really is just Sansa.

Hmmm interesting......I wouldn’t be surprised either way. I haven’t read the books but I’m iffy on show Frank. He gets a raw deal but I get a real passive aggressive vibe of him and blegh.

Plus I just really like Jamie :P

He does?????? Damn I wonder if they are going to keep that in the show. Though a part of me isn’t surprised, I mean if Claire is in love with another man she isn’t going to 100% be there emotionally with Frank so......schtupping grad students (while still a shitty thing to do) seems like a natural progression.

I screamed when I saw him and now I’m wondering why this whole article isn’t just about him??? I’ve seriously missed Joe Dempsie gracing my tv.

This is 100% just my experience and love for the original trilogy, BUT, I never got the impression that Han outshone Luke. Sure they were completely different but they were also likeable in such different ways they were incredibly memorable.

If it was just Han, who was cynical and didn’t believe in much, the tone

That’s my problem in general with a lot of these trilogies nowadays (also world building-centric movies). They’re so focused on setting the stage for the next movies they don’t tell complete stories in the first one and then we get stuck with an extremely competent character with zero personality.

She WAS boring. The only thing interesting about her was that she picked up force abilities like kids pick up lice.

And while that’s cool and all, you could have swapped her with a graham cracker and gotten the same thing.  

There were so many great female roles in that show! I’m mad even io9 stopped talking about that show. I can’t remember her name but the badass Mars fugitive was a great character. Kind of what everyone here seems to be asking for too in terms of no-nonsense warrior.

haha yesss! Best Jane quote drop ever.

Oh man I don’t know what it is about him but I’ve always found Chiwetel to be much more attractive than Elba. He’s just got this...hmmm....cheeky naughtiness to him. Like he’s debonair enough to smooth over the parents but you know he’s got devilish plans for the two of you later.

I didn’t realize how foolish it was until I worked in Japan where during the summer up until about October-ish they have “cool biz” which basically means short sleeved collared shirt and slacks for guys and for women short sleeved blouse with slacks/skirt. There’s a lot of leeway for both but basically means you

Fuck. I’m really not ready to come back to America you guys.

I’m late to this game but I found this question super interesting so here are my two cents.

Ugh I know we are all so royally fucked.

It just makes me want to cry that he can hide under the guise of giving a single shit about making America safe again. I mean yeah make it safe for him and his rich cronies but the fact he can say any of that with a straight face and not be struck by lightening, it’s fucking