
It’s absolute bullshit. I mean look at Tokyo, those trains are packed like sardine cans and I guarantee everyone on there has their knees together. If it was painful for guys to keep their legs closed, how do they sit in chairs with armrests? How do they sit comfortable in theaters? How do they sit comfortably in

That was actually terrifying to watch. Like I wanted to tell her to run, get away from that man. Oh my god....that was not playful at all that was downright insidious.

If Cosby weren’t so old with most of his career behind him I’d feel better about that outcome.

Cynical part of me is leaning towards him being acquitted but I’m taking solace that at least the twilight of his life is reserved for having to face up to all his actions. Hopefully he gets less sleep because of it, if

He had no chill. He went all in.

“That would be like marrying a model who won’t even sleep in the same city as you.” OOOOUUUUUUCH.

“Just eat a fuckin taco!”

Just a heads up, it’s Vicente and not Vincente.

My brother and him share the same name! :D Also, that video is fucking awesome. I died when he pulled out the ladder.

Oh well I wouldn’t mind doing something about that ;)

You speak truth. Evans, still not my favorite Chris (sorry it’s Pine) BUT he gained my respect and seal of approval cause wooooh boy he slammed that performance out of the ball park. Never in a million years did I think Captain could pull off Snowpiercer.

Oooooh look how thick that book is mmmmm.......aint nothing more attractive than a smart, sexy man with a thick book.

I’m sure some people see that and think his abs in no way stack up to the others but man there is just something so freakin adorable about Chris Pine.

None of the other Chris’s do it for me and historically speaking even Pine isn’t my aesthetic but damn if I don’t love him. I think it’s the hair. It’s just so goofy

THANK YOU! Srsly, debate over, Pine wins.


It’s a sash covered in dusty orange fingerprints that gets harder and harder to read every day. Pretty soon it’ll just say ‘Leader’.

It’s so jarring because I can’t recall in my lifetime at least presidents talking about their family members in such a manner.

Hooray for conscious uncoupling but I gotta say I don’t really understand how Ben Afflec is still around.

Every movie is the same character and it’s not even a really interesting one. The only time I found him remotely believable was in Dazed and Confused.

Not gonna lie I would absolutely watch Kendall on a season of ANTM. Only condition being, her status doesn’t protect her during judging (tall order I know).

Girl cannot smize for her life and I’d love to see Miss J Alexander read her walk.

Not that I want to be that person buuuuuut......the very few times Trump mentions Barron and it’s a clear attempt to pull at your heartstrings. Just smells a tad bit like manipulation is all.

You saw it with Cable?? He’s such a sourpuss, no wonder you didn’t like it!

and now I go hide back under a rock and pretend I didn’t just make that joke......

Is this the criteria for being like Katy Perry: white, skinny, and physically being in California at any given moment?

Cause 1/2 of your photos, US Weekly, is a woman with her butt to the camera.