
Omg I just have to say, thank you for that Snowpiercer mention.

Oh damn. People kept saying Taron Egerton but I didn’t realize who he was until you mentioned Kingsman. Holy crap, he would be PERFECT.

Also agreed. Han is the kind of guy who if you met in a bar would have a ton of great stories to tell. Maybe he’s not the hero but they’ll be damned entertaining. I don’t necessarily

I would watch the shit out of that.

So this motherfucker right here (apologies I have no idea how to flip this), looks cute right? Nope. Straight up terrorist. He is just a simple, simple, fat creature who reacts to everything with claws. So, so simple.

But this girl:

Ugh, he used to be so cute.

Yeah he has to be ready to face the consequences because he knew they were real but that doesn’t mean I have to agree he should be criminalized for what he did. There are plenty of things that have been illegal in the past that should have been inalienable rights given to everyone.

Up until 1985 in South Africa it was

Yeah I never understood how people can just throw up their hands and say, “well it’s ILLEGAL so it doesn’t matter why, all that matters is you aren’t supposed to do it.”

For a country full of people who supposedly love their freedom, Americans sure do seem to enjoy the comforts of being told what to do and how to

For a while there someone uploaded a LOT of episodes on youtube but I think most of them got taken down. Though if you get really creative with how you put in the episode title (EX. Living Single S1E3/ LS S1E3/ LS 1-3) you might be able to find a few still up.

Seriously though why can’t we get DVD’s? I never got tired

OMG thank you! My day was missing a little bit of Maxine!

Pleeeeeeeaase Netflix, wake up and put Living Single on instant view! PLEASE

Thank you, seriously. I love the LOTR film trilogy but I’ve always enjoyed The Hobbit more than I did the book trilogy. Jackson taking the Hobbit and stretching it out to three films was basically him riding his own coattails. I mean I fell hard for Legolas as much as the next thirteen year old girl back in the day

The couple that pap smears together, stays together.

When I read this the first time I saw, “It was their scheduled 10-minute pap smear.” Had to do a double take on that photo.

Oh no. That pic of Matt Damon is doing things for me. Nooooooooo, am I just that starved for good looking men?? Damn it Matt Damon I don’t want to like you but I can’t look away!

It’s easily the worst one so......you probably saved yourself from a lot of facepalms. Still mad at Ryan Reynolds for that movie.

Agreed. I blame Friday Night Light’s for this phenomenon which I didn’t understand either. Then again I grew up in Texas and I’m sorry I don’t care how great your cast/story is - all I see are the redneck racist asshats who went to my high school pretending their hot shit running up and down the field.

OMG you’re right........I...don’t know what to think about this....

Agreed. W/O facial hair there is zero appeal for me but that mustache? Oooh baby. New idea - for the next 50 shades can he play a rough and tumble millionaire cowboy with a southern accent? Cause that would be hilarious to watch Jamie Dornan struggle through a drawl.

No I feel you. My first reaction - oh ok so basically every other movie out there right now. Greaaaaaaaat.

I’m not even sure how I got this book, maybe from Half Price Books? And I never read any of the other books in the series, just this one.

I can’t say why I liked it so much but it was the kind of book that I would find doing some random chore like cleaning my closet and just suit down to read the whole thing in a few

Ugh I hate jackasses like that. I had an orthodontist like that growing up. He was pulling two teeth out and they gave me a numbing shot but they were adult teeth so it still hurt. Generally I was a quiet kid in the seat, I didn’t whine, move around a lot, or make a fuss. But you know getting your teeth pulled out