
@Hedgeworth: Agreed. After a few fits and starts with Google Chrome, I find I like it much better. I use Firefox for only ONE extension not net available on Chrome and I use it once every 2 weeks. Beyond that, I don't have any need to use Firefox. It's slow, bloated and loves memory far too much.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): I can see you've been taking notes from the Glenn Beck blackboard. A war of attrition means we fight the disease until it gives up. Not the other way around. Try regular school.

@Winnie Chen-Head: Agreed. I am a big fan of Digsby but I have used Trillian in the past. Not too bad either. But Digsby seems to take its time developing for other platforms. There is STILL no Digsby for Linux or the Mac. So I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to arrive on Android.

@thenail: 77 percent of iphone 4 sales were to existing iphone users. Key word is existing. vs 160,000 + NEW Android activations per day. Key words here is PER DAY.

@Odin: Co sign Odin.

Yet another reason Mozilla won't correct the memory leak issue.

@pinshot: Agreed and I live in the US. But reactions like this is expected when you pair a company trying to sell a product with people who's intelligence level is no higher than that of a 3 AM infomercial.

This convinces me more to stick with Google Chrome. It's simply better.

I like the word "seriously" in this story. Wow.

@styfle: Sure. I read all the posts about what FF does "in the lab." But I hate intellectual dishonesty in tech. In practice what they claim never translates into reality, and I do mean never. FF 3.1 was supposed to do better memory management, than 3.4, then 3.6 and 3.6 was the worse offender of all.

Google Chrome all day. Firefox slipped when it seems they cannot fix the memory leaks. I use it for one particular add on not yet available on Chrome but beyond that, Firefox could go kick rocks. I'm done with it.

@walterbyrd: Seems there is always a better solution. Thanks.

I only use Firefox for one utility add on that Chrome doesn't yet have. Beyond that one add on, I've kicked Firefox to the proverbial curb about 4 months ago now.

@Unionhawk: I don't but my 2gen ipod touch has wifi issues now, downloads never finish and my wifi sucks like a Hoover. Does that help?

I don't use iTunes now to manage music on my ipod touch. If Google did something open source, it'll do nothing but improve over time.

I'm probably going to move back to live.com because gmail has become so messy. Google need to spend some time and money on it's email services. Great spam control but it's messy as all get out.

Is this ambulance chaser kidding? Open networks are just that, open. If it was that important of a case to the fedaralies, why no go after companies that sell open network devices since NONE are secure by default.