Got to love the latest bout of older generation that doesn’t know much about newer trends (especially those involving newer tech) implying “youth these days aren’t as creative as my generation.” Has this guy seen all the creative stuff this game has inspired? When I was a kid, I thought of plenty of unique silly…
“Dead Space” doesn’t hold a candle to my boyhood game of “Dying Violently in Space”.
She’s lashing out at men as a gender.
A man that doesn’t call out other men for trash behavior is still trash. So no, the shitty ones aren’t the exception.
What she said was absolutely acceptable coming from a woman living in a patriarchal society.
1) Dude makes sexist comment objectifying women, while others are also making constant objectifying statements and potentially violent statements
Gamers: known for being logical, rational, polite, and easily able to disagree about things they like.
This is so fucked up.
There’s a massive difference in creating fan art and asking to get credit for your interpretation of that fan art and some rich chode reposting art and FLAT OUT REFUSING to credit the artist especially when he literally has to pay a settlement from doing the same thing to another person.
Most artists in the industry of…
This is the most infuriating thing. The man isn’t stupid, he’s had his hands in creating some impressive stuff. But then he turns around and does the dumbest crap like this.
Hideo Kojima will shock the world by cloning himself on stage at E3. But no further details about Death Stranding will be released.
I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time…
Game developers getting 18% more of your money is a huge benefit to the customer: The game developer can invest more in the games you love, and has less incentive to depend on trashy DLC models.
Not the first time Japanese publishers equate “appealing to western audiences” with “toning down the Japanese style”... it’s a shame, really, because a lot of westerners enjoy anime as it is and would much rather enjoy something that’s faithful to the source material over something that’s been heavily adapted for…
As a Black woman, I can’t count how many prints I’ve seen fabulously worn by other curvy or yes, fat black women. Prints and bright colors? Yes, all of that. At church, at the family reunion, parties, or to work. But now, in a time where plus size fashion is at its height, this designer who is also a black woman and…
I remember a long time ago several of the designers actually making their models cry because they were plus sized. If you can’t dress a plus size woman, then you shouldn’t be a designer- that’s on you. Also, Siriano is the best thing to come out of Project Runway- (ok aside from Tin Gunn and Santinos hilarious…
I get that it might be a shift in perspective to design for “plus-size” models. Perhaps it’s not what they’re used to doing with their eyes closed. But Project Runway is supposed to stretch designers and see what they can do outside of their comfort zone. Further, the show has been pretty intentional it seems in…