Jay Dean

What the fuck are you even saying? Shouldn’t the post be called, fat people can’t ride Mario cart ride(which is most of America). We also have a high percentage of heart issues because of our fat problem… so it’s probably better for the health of these people they can’t get on? 

I need to buy the definitive remaster & replay. They look amazing, & the modding community is such a a small percentage of people who actually buy the game(people on console don’t even know what modding is on most of their games), I think rockstar probably mad the right choice finically & let’s hope they push some bug

It’s fucking fallout 76. Your pathetic attempt to talk about a game that has so many other ACTUAL issue to talk about, you pick a few people using homophobic slurs? I’d everyone who’s paid for fallout 76 is a faggot & needs to be cleansed. What’s the issue?

You know you make the game sound way worse then it is leaving out a lot of facts about how the orbital cannon works, & how you must be leaving your sale vehicles unattended for a long time for them to even be found. It takes 30 secs or more depending on what business you use for people to even know what your doing, &

I wouldn’t want that game lol. Go play a different game if you don’t want to be doing crime world type game play. Lol every company has a rival. That’s gtas world 

Lol ok literally I’ve made 45 million in crate sales, did 1000 resupplies for the trophy, I only destroyed my own sales vehicles on 2 occasions, got chased by someone who failed once, maybe got destroyed by a player once during all that. You must be doing it wrong.

Is honestly not that hard to get things done in gta if you don’t bite off more then you can handle. Meaning know when to sell so you don’t have multiple trucks, do most work as ceo so you have ghost org as a option, know when to use ghost org. Learn how to fake a direction so people trying to cut you off at drop off

Gta online, freemode event pinned in. It’s with vehicles but same concept. Boom.

What game do you think they have a important enough online mode to be worth pushing... gta online doesn’t need it, works just fine. It makes more sense for game like fornite but can’t think of any r* games

Nice try. Not funny

It was kinda a bad episode cause of the pacing... the episode felt uneven. I didn’t even think about that he depressing fact they’ll probably try to do it again in the next two episodes. The Sansa, Arya been is pretty stupid. They probably could skipped over that storyline and shown both sisters trying to keep

Yeah running off after sex instead of paying them is not rape, yeah they might feel violated but it’s not aggravated rape, that’s ridiculous. The trans person was tricked, it happens all the time.

Well Mahr isn’t wrong. I get what your saying it’s harmful. But it is out there a lot, used my African Americans, yes even in music... like you can say it’s ok for black to black but it’s on the radio, they aren’t just trying to sell there music to other black people. You can use a word openly like that and not expect

Lol anyone else stop reading after the first girls reply to ask yourself what she must look like?

I’d like to say your advice on leaving the CEO stuff out for later isn’t a good idea either for making money..  car thefts warehouse and missions probably pay the best after heist and you can do them solo, fit a few headhunters CEO jobs in which pay 20k+ and can finish in 4 mins between thefts and sales probably pays