I thought the stereotype of a Rick & Morty fan was a bit exaggerated. Now I’m thinking they were a bit understated based on this comment, so congrats...?
I thought the stereotype of a Rick & Morty fan was a bit exaggerated. Now I’m thinking they were a bit understated based on this comment, so congrats...?
This article is “Woke”. lmao What isn’t woke to you morons these day? JFC.
“I hate this thing I clearly actually have no idea about but will still speak with authority about it based on what my moronic mind thinks it is.”
“You’re not the ugliest person I’ve ever seen, so you have that going for you.”
One of the replies in that Tweet Thread said something like “Brooks didn’t tip because his waiter’s pants weren’t creased correctly” or something similar. So, totally...
This is both understandable and not understandble.*
Nuh uh, inflation is Joe Biden’s fault despite literally the entire globe experiencing it. /s
And it won’t matter to the “lEt’S gO BRaNdOn” crowd because it confirms their feelings and it would take a single brain to note that this tweet is obviously bullshit.
And it won’t matter to the “lEt’S gO BRaNdOn” crowd because it confirms their feelings and it would take a single brain to note that this tweet is obviously bullshit.
“Hey, sorry, I lied and lied until I could no longer somewhat credibly lie. Who among us hasn’t tried to ban drags shows while also jerking a dick offat an all ages musical? Glass houses, y’all...”
I’m sure there’s no downside in allowing ‘foreign’ car companies, like Honda and Toyota, to then claim to be more “American made” than “American” car companies. Especially when the latter is moved to a country a not small portion of the country are racist against, as well is ignorantly against (by default) for trade…
Thanks for this explanation. Really helped me to understand shorting and the Gamestop shit.
Sell the the stock high, announce shitty change, tank the stock, buy stock low, rescind shitty change, increase stock price, profit.
Albino, shell-less, flabby Ninja Turtle.
Did Musk suddenly become the CEO of Unity prior to this change announcement, because JFC this is some seemingly non-”thought through” fuckery?
That shit took off like a cartoon. lmao
It’s so weird how many of the “it’s not good for me/I can’t use it/etc. therefore it’s bad/irrelevent/etc” people exist. They can’t fathom that something not for them, or that they don’t like, can be for other people other than themselves.
But she tweeted “RoCoco Chanel”, which Musk also claims to have come up with, and then searched and found only her entry. And since they were the only two to tweet what is an obvious AF pun, it must mean they’re super smart. /s
I’m a giant moron and when I first learned of the Rococo style art, “Rococo Chanel” was…
Musk is really out here naming his kids like how 10 year olds name their RPG characters. JFC, these people are cringe incarnate.