
Yeah, I’m into it. 


If he had even an Executive Producer credit, I could see how it could be spun as a James Gunn era film on technicality. But he doesn’t even have that.

“...I’ve been at grocery stores where I carefully sort things - heavier items first, cold items together, etc - and then the cashier just chucks them all in bags willy-nilly.”

This is so dumb.

It’s not surprising from the person who would constantly produce articles riddled with spelling and grammar issues. I don’t know if it still happens since it annoyed me to no end that someone being paid to write couldn’t even be bothered to check their work, so I stopped reading the articles.

War on Everyone came out the same year as Tarzan and he’s a co-lead in it with Michael Pena, so this is less a response to your question and more “that film is kind of awesome and he’s great in it.

I’m sure whatever executive came up with this obvious-to-fail venture was fired, right?

People thought she was white? And Asians can have non-Asian names, as I do.

But I think her defense of people, “they were nice to me before,” isn’t quite the strongest defense of a person’s character.

Man, I miss the L&L here that was by an old company’s office. It was so good we regularly got catering from them. 

Coincidentally, this may be what the actual Blake Bortles(!!!) is up to these days. 

“...an app for a membership only human trafficking gentlemen’s club headquartered in Budapest.”


And if you’ve been following Patrick for a while, you’ll likely know that her controversial opinions on health, wellness, and sociological concerns span back several years.

Honestly, it’s cool to see these instances of solidarity.

The party of family values.

DeSantis literally trafficked people but that’s okay because the were brown. /s

I forget where I read this comment but it was essentially “ALL KIDS CLOTHES ARE SEXUALIZED THESE DAYS. All I ever see are toddlers in sexual clothing”. The first thing that came to mind it’s obviously untrue but also, more importantly, this really says something about that person. 

I think the reference to “weakened dinosaur” is more to note that it was still alive during feeding and that this wasn’t a scavenge situation nor an opportunistic feeding: