
I’m really hoping that Ted Cruz’s kids get to the point where they just publicly shit all over their cuck blobfish of a father. 

My personal conspiracy theory is that it’s their kink whenever Pence publicly calls his wife “mother” and she gets as wet as Jesus’s disciples’ feet in the bible when he washes them.

He took a notepad (LMAO) and wore the literal exact same all black costume that Ken wears in the film to his screening. You literally can’t make this shit up because it sounds too stupid, but here we are...

An absolute truth. 

I had the same question and the published paper goes into it. It’s actually really interesting if you want more detail than the conclusion provided in the paper for that question:

Wait until that guy learns about Andy Warhol, et al. He’s going to blow a gasket. 

Forgot the $250+ million given to the Russo Brothers for Citadel.

Who it’s referring to wasn’t what I was talking about. That’s obvious. I was referring to what ‘spez’ actually meant in relation to Huffman. Was it some reddit slang/term? Was it something else? I didn’t know and the article made no mention of it which seems like pretty basic information to include for those of us not

Aside from feeling that it should have been explained regardless, as I noted, I’m not a Redditor so I had no idea what u/ means.

You’d think the article would explain it but for those of us non-Redditors apparently Spez is his Reddit username. 

I totally forgot about Viennetta and how much my mom and I loved them. Coincidentally I just finished a tin of Royal Dansk and those are still as good as I remembered.

Also why do you need the world to know that you had “the best seats in the house”?

Despite critical acclaim and a strong fandom, they tend to slip under the radar. (Yeah, series...to Halt And Catch Fire...)

But...he put the laughing emoji at the end of his insane statement. He’s letting us know that he is in fact not mad, and find’s this all funny. Did you not see the obligatory laughing they always include so people know that what they’re saying is super funny?

Thanks for letting me know that I’m apparently supposed to be mad at something that I’ve never even heard of until reading this article.

Not to mention all of the creative ‘accounting’ that results in films grossing insane amounts but somehow losing money so they don’t have to pay anyone their back-end profits. The most egregious, and famous, example being My Big Fat Greek Wedding costing less then $10 million but grossing a couple hundred million but

Am I just not seeing it or does The Deathgate Cycle not get the love it deserves? I never read/hear people talking about it. 

It’s more a neurosis of mine than a necessity.”

Considering Fran Dresher was (rightfully) given shit for just posing in a pic with scab Kim Kardashian (who I guess also happened to be in Italy for AHS), I agree that the actors wouldn’t show up to their panels. I doesn’t seem to be worth both the shit you’d get for doing so, aside from the fact that you’d be supporti

“The woke mob is trying to suppress my freedom of speech! Here’s a link to my GoFundMe to donate to fight cancel culture!”