This ^^^^
This ^^^^
Yes…that. It implied she was sitting on a pretty large stash.
She said that she "had to get rid of her stash" which implied she had a fairly large amount of pot. (which shouldn't be a crime) But I don't think she went to prison over "carrying some drugs out for the night.:
Agree and disagree. Retrials for murder convictions are extremely rare, and would always generate some news coverage. They would never "remain anonymous." But, that said, most of the time, they would be relegated to local interest, not a national story.
No. Just no.
I'm astounded that people are surprised at all by this…Jenji Kohan's track record speaks for itself.
You give the show's creators far too much credit. I can almost guarantee they aren't trying to make statement about BLM whatsoever.
Exactly. Myles missed the point completely.
Molly and X, though similar, are not exactly the same thing. X is in pill form, and usually cut with something. Molly is pure MDMA (usually in powdered form).
hahhaha….what a shock…mis-using "sociopath" yet again.
Blackmail? How was that blackmail? She was trading sexual favors for drugs.
I agree. I also think it've very obvious that Kohan and company don't take the subject matter NEARLY as serious as most of those who write and comment about the show do. In fact, I think many of the social issues and ills raised by the show are quite accidental, and not the intention of the creator. She thinks…
No. Just no. "Sociopath" is probably one of the ten most mis-used words in the English language, and thrown around 99% of the time by people who have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.
This isn't a defense, but it seems clear to me that he's virulently anti-gang; I think he would have reacted the same way if one of the Hispanic females had come to him and made allegations about white supremicists hanging out together.
Easily the most overrated actress on the show.
Greta Gerwig and Chloe Sevigny are best pals in real life.
She got FrankenGregor'd!
meh, they often have sales on flash drives.
Goaded? Uh…no. That was NOT part of her plan. The ENTIRE point of Zombie Mountain keeping Tommen from leaving for the trial was so that he wouldn't die.