Jay V Of Considerable Influenc


If you think Tyrion is not essential to the plot, you are watching a different show than any other sentient being on the planet.

I would agree with you but for the fact it's clear that she is GRRM's baby and favorite character. And while the series is deviating from the books, I don't think the end game planned by Martin is going to deviate…and I don't think he has it in him to make Dany a bad guy.

"Early season"? No.

A non-compete and an NDA aren't the same thing, pal.


The Box is not going to be affected one way or the other by people's understanding of Pied Piper's functionality. The Box and the Pied Piper platform use the same technology, but have two completely different customer bases.

I can buy the Cal theory, but for one thing —- Michael Huisman left the show on bad terms, which is supposedly why he was absent from this season.

Well, that's partly true. Yes, VS did use prison labor to sew lingerie, but there was nothing illegal about it.

YES. Not sure how people miss that point.

Amend that to seasons 5-8. I will go to my grave praising the greatness of Weeds Season 4.

Stop with the damn spoilers, jackass. A lot of us avoid the scenes from next week for this very reason.

I'm not anywhere close to NY, and practically every person I know over the age of 65 had move to Florida. It's not at all a New York/New Jersey thing.

I love this show…but if you think it looks "more expensive" than 3 years ago, you are quite delusional.

I thought I knew what love was…

It was mentioned above, but most people seem to view the pilot as non-canonical. There were a ton of inconsistencies therein.


So you've said…


He rented. So….no.