It did not, actually.
It did not, actually.
It's not that you "could" be wrong…you ARE wrong. Again, as someone mentioned above, there was an establishing shot of CITY HALL.
Agreed…I don't think the niece was made up at all.
My comment was in direct response to bringing up the Challenger crash; I'm well aware that Andropov is still the leader in the show's timeline, but thanks for needlessly checking in.
Most idiotic post ever. Congrats, MosquitoControl.
If you were smart, you would binge watch S1. It was fantastic.
zero chance that will happen in the finale. 100% chance it will eventually happen, though.
The Challenger crash was actualy a signifcant turning point in US/Soviet relations. The Challenger disaster seems to have softened tensions between the two nations with regard to space exploration. During February, 1986, the USSR launched the first of the six Mir Space Station modules. In the wake of the Challenger…
Based on the fact that the SHOWRUNNERS SAID SO.
Um…directors would be FAR more likely to have the codes.
The most disappointing moment of my life as a teen in the 80s was askng for a Member's Only jacket for Christmas…and opening up the package to discover that my parents had purchased the Sears knockoff version, "Man's Club"
What papers did he sign?
You are incorrect. Was 100% always the end game.
No…but if you were working in the VHS department of Sony, you sure as hell didn't want to see them keep spending money on delveloping Betamax.
Apparently you subscribe to the "All Asians llok alike" mindset. Newsflash: they don't.
Ha…I disagree with the letter grade..but in the opposite direction. Easily the weakest episode of Season 4, and a candidate for worst episode of the entire series.
Correct. Also the dentist thought Sarah was Beth as well, and she was clearly tightly aligned with Evie.
Actually, it seems highly LIKELY that Delphine would know Duko.
So many problems are caused on this show by letting people live…
They have never once said this show was set in either New York or the States