Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

Well, they changed to the Storm Chasers, yes, but they certainly are still the Royals' AAA team. Most of the Royals' current stars all played in Omaha. The connection was immediately made in mind.

Which is pretty much exactly what I said. My main argument is that Chuck was not outright lying; the version of events he relayed to Kim is likely the version of events he believes to be true, whether or not that version IS the truth.

Upon a re-watch, you are correct, he did say defendants.

Your response was literally the dumbest thing I read today. Again, Chuck may be WRONG, but there is absolutely ZERO doubt he believed what he was saying. He was not bullshitting. If you think otherwise, you are a dumb human being.

Did it seem to anyone else that Kaylee and her mom were staying in a hotel, and not a new permament place? For starters, it LOOKED like a hotel. And then mom made reference to having food "up in the room"…not something someone typically says about an apartment.

That's a possibility, though not the typical setup.

Not a chance. Obviously a stroke.

Actually, many people herein have flat out accused him of making the story up. Some have taken the "doesn't know the full story" tact, sure. But an equal number have done as I said.

He most certainly was not fully functional. Clearly was not using one of his arms.

As someone who did my fair share of doc review early in my legal career, I have to say that the show is really nailing that vibe perfectly, especially the early 2000s vibe of sifting through banker's boxes of yellowing documents. Nowadays, virually all large-scale discovery is done electronically, but doc reviewers

Agreed fully; I was only reporting what I was told, as apparently another one of Gilligan's comments pointed in that direction.

If I'm not mistaken, it was a piece of crappy writing, because I believe that the character made reference to both being in the DA's office, and his clients…which would seem pretty contradictory.

Counterpoint: what makes you think that story is false? Methinks there are an awfully lot of people on here who seem to think that Chuck is bullshitting, when there isn't a shred of evidence to suspect so. Jimmy in Cicero is a common thief, zero reason to doubt the story.

Ha, I agree. Was just going to type same thing.

Interesting, as most people I know who were there thought it was very clear he was referring to Jesse.

They didn't.

Yes, but what kind of firm do you work for? And did you dabble on plaintiff's side? I probably painted a broad brush. I guess what I really meant is that firms who primarily represent corporate clients, particularly firms that represent corporate clients in defense matters, would likely not be caught deal getting

The commercial was for meso, right?
As for HHM, that's exactly my point…the "show" doesn't think it's odd, but it's not a very accurate portrayal. And, to be honest, we really don't know what clients they have…the only other major case they've presented to us was a criminal defense matter. They certainly sell HHM

A) I disagree. Every single sign they've painted points to Davis & Main as a class action firm. They are mixed up in asbesto litigation, for chrissakes. This isn't something firms dabble in. (I might need to re-watch, but I'm fairly certain they may hae directy implied all of this anyway).
B) Let's assume you're

Wait…what? If anything, we knew more about WW's past in the FIRST couple of seasons. Very little was revealed in the final couple of seasons. You are completely incorrect.