Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

Did you even watch the scene?

This. I was under the impression that she was a paralegal, and they footed the bill for her law school.

Except they are pseudo-ambulance chasers…they just don't like to admit it (as is the case with many class action firms).

"there is a real chance that they could lose business because of Jimmy's stunt."
I am really not buying this. The show is really demonstrating a serious lack of understanding as to the class action bar. We are to assume that Davis&Main is a class action law firm? Then I'd love to know who these clients are that

Yes, they made sure to point it out…BECAUSE IT'S MECHANICAL. I think you missed the point.

Lavell Crawford has specifically stated that he won't be in Season 2, but that he welcomes a future call from Gilligan.

The idea that Veep "has no heart at all" is such an asthoningly off-base comment, it begs the question…do you have a heart, Derek Overman? I would surmise that 99.9% of the sentient beings walking the planet would say that you do not.

One thing that bothered/annoyed me: there is no way Jimmy could have got the entire Davis & Main support staff on board for this venture. He's the newest-arriving associate. And yes, I know Cliff is out of town…but there are clearly other partners who would have been wondering what the hell is going on. Jimmy's

"That was a commercial from a strip mall ambulance chaser, not a Davis and Main associate."
I'm not sure I buy that at all. There a lot of similar class action ads out there in real life, and many come from firms that resemble Davis & Main a lot more than they do ambulance chasers.
And that said…big-time class actions

The rules vary from state to state on this, no idea where Colorado and New Mexico Bars stand on this, or where they stood in 2002. But there are multiple jurisdictions where it's fine to name a prospective or actual defendant.

I disagree. By the early 2000s, commercials targeting potential clients for class actions were routine. There really wouldn't have been any reason for Kim to suspect that Cliff would have said no.

I'm thinking you are going to be wildly wrong.

I think that is likely a very accurate assesment of how things will play out.

Agree 100%.

See, I don't think that's contradictory to anything we've seen from Jimmy so far. Despite his moral ambiguity, I think a/c priv is something he takes seriously.

Do you mean Steven Avery…or Brendan Dassey?

Fiona Fire, you consistently provided the least insightful, most annoying comments here on a weekly basis. Please do keep it up.

Actually, I think he meant Jimmy…and Chuck.

Agree 100%

I, however, have not. Seeing the next episode is certainly not a prerequisite for realizing your theory made zero sense, even when looked at from every possibly angle.