Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

She was a psychopath mass murderer who got everything that was coming to her. I haven't spoken to anyone who had a shred of sympathy for her. Interesting and compelling…sure. Sexy…absolutely. Sympathetic…not a chance.

No…who in the hell would be sympathetic to her?

Well, I was kind of asking rhetorically and answered myself. But, yes, the bond issue is also another concern should the plea deal fall through. In terms of it being too late to file charges, there would still be plenty of time vis a vis the statute of limitations.

I think it is pretty well spelled out that Daniel intends to leave and never look back. I agree in principle with what you are saying, but it is obvious that Daniel intends to cut ties with his family, feeling that he is too much of a burden and source of negativity in all their lives.

Exactly. These guys refuse to ever admit they make mistakes.

I've mentioned before in these comments that I am attorney with the Innocence Project, and I can emphatically state that I never once have dealt with a cooperative D.A. These guys just don't like convictions being overturned, and most have sizable egos that will never, ever allow them to acknowledge that they may

One thing that bothered me about that —- Teddy asks if it's too late. Too late for what? Too late to prevent the plea deal I suppose, but does that really matter? The plea and his assault of Teddy are two complete and distinct crimes. Daniel's plea would not have any bearing on an inability to pursue him for the

Don't believe it has ever been revealed one way or the other.

Those are fair points; but banishment is alive and well as a form of punishment in the State of Georgia.

The Road To Wellville is a good movie. That is all.

Exactly…she looks exactly how old she is.

Because the writers suck?

It is NOT implied, and there is absolutely no evidence based on any of the show's established canon that unreleased progeny die with their makers. NONE.

You are watching a different show than the rest of us.

If you think Anna Camp is hotter as a brunette, you need to have your vision checked.

Pretty sure Eric released Pam, didn't he?

Are we sure, it wasn't "I like Pink"…as in the singer, not the color? That was my assumption.


An inmate's apathy likely would never come into play at the level we deal with in terms of exoneration (other than not helping us do our job) —- although it certainly could be a general negative at a future trial.

I agree with you…Jared is going to be a key figure in the remainder of this season, and going forward.