Based on the video evidence, you may be on to something...
Based on the video evidence, you may be on to something...
you got that exactly right. He wanted to win the popularity contest and he was willing to say and do whatever it would take to win, but he never planned to show up for work after. I won’t be surprised when he quits after nine months with the excuse that his business needs him because his kids are losing billions of…
Those of you not in the US can see it here...
Will clearly is accelerating in the left hand (inner) lane until he sees the yellow car in the next box start to pull out of their pit stall, which is when he goes all on-ramp road rage and tries to pass them on the right. He should have dialed it back and followed behind the yellow car: passing on pit lane is a fools…
OneWheel versions were also pretty popular in Paris the last time I was there. For those who haven’t had the pleasure, Paris is a city already optimized for walking and public transportation so a 15mph electric transporter you can carry on the Metro could be a pretty handy option for a mixed mode commute.
+1 bump for all the titaniums :)
Congrats... you broke the Jalopnik-internet today!
I always thought of it as an upside down bathtub... and definitely not something which looked remotely capable of flight. I recall it was on floor display at the Dayton AF Museum back in the 90's and you could almost see through the cockpit mirror-glass from the outside... almost.
You make a good argument there - it’s the personality that works, not the script (or the gags). You could definitely see the TG mojo in the love/hate relationship of the Mythbusters presenters and the willingness to let the audience see their real personalities.
Semi-pro tip: it helps to respond to the author’s post (rather than a sub-comment) or a moderator (they can be tricky to spot) and get your (hopefully witty or pithy) reply/comment/tangent out there within the first dozen posts or 8 hours (whichever comes first). Otherwise you risk being lost in the greys forever...
I’ve always appreciated the fact that politicians are going to lie. That’s what they do: if they do it well, they get elected. MY philosophy has always been to elect the ones where you can easily tell when they are lying, see Little Richard, Ronnie and George for example. Last think I want is a politician who’s good…