Man, those downshifts sound like rocks in a blender... I wince every time he dumps the clutch
Man, those downshifts sound like rocks in a blender... I wince every time he dumps the clutch
its a shame all these big NA$$CAR boys showing up with their fancy toys and taking the racing pleasure away from the hard working little guys. The purpose of Late Models, Whelen Modifieds, etc... is a feeder series for the little guys.
But “THE Ohio state” rolls trippingly off the alumni tongues... here in the US of A. Or USA. Or just US. Depending on common usage and grammatical rules be damned. No argument from me: the purpose of language is the clear communication of ideas and common usage fits that purpose just fine.
We may never know why she swallowed the fly... but it's going to get pretty crowded in there.
and Po-Po is equally heinous...
came here for this, can go to sleep now that I am satisfied. nicely done!
Exactly. Ignore the movie: go read the book. Considering he wrote it in the late 1950s, Nevil Shute foresaw the brinksmanship of small nation-states instigating nuclear war between the superpowers by proxy, resulting in a global die-off. He spends a good bit of time discussing a global sort of prisoner’s dilemma:…
I see what you did there... pier vs. pier, indeed! :)
how does this not have mooooorrrrrr power? and stars... maannny maaannnnny stars?
The cloud pattern doesn’t match, but here’s the most recent Emirates A380 commercial featuring Jennifer Aniston which has gone semi-viral on YouTube and cable TV. Same video concept, different video day. Video from a helicopter platform is becoming the expected standard for reality TV and commercial advertising today.…
that horn part, tho, that's what sets this theme song above all the pretenders that follow... and he doesn't even get a line in the credits
Am I the only one who thinks the tailhook angle is too steep, almost like it was added on to the original design? To my mind, it needs to be attached to the same structure as the main gear and make a low angle with the deck to keep the catch wire from climbing up the hook. In the above picture, the hook to deck angle…
Can you see a class-action lawsuit by the innocent dealerships who got blindsided by the big bad auto-manufacturer? 'cause I can. The dealerships will get their $$, no worries. It's the salesman on commission and the detailing crew who are going to get the shaft on this one: no way they get their cut.
There was plenty of /s implied in my response, no worries!
Self-righting, though. That's a marketing gold-mine, right there.
and hit them with a $37,500 ticket if they fail and show evidence of non-stock mods. And impound and crush the vehicle... I think the domestic car manufacturers would get behind this even more than cash for clunkers!
Anyone else think the F-35 looks like an F-4 and an F-16