
Scott is obviously the 'cool' dad and Stiles is the nagging mom.

Mason is the new Danny.

- I wish they didn't reveal their hand too soon and showed Theo as a bad guy. Could have done with a couple more episodes of nice but vaguely unsettling Theo.

This would set off the charm-singularity.

"Just fucking balls out, batshit crazy."

I hope to hell they stick the landing and give us a great season finale. This was a fantastic season.

Stiles is totally jealous. He just doesn't want to share Scott.

There was a slightly shirtless Parrish, does that not count? :)

Kira is frustrating the shit out of me. She has fucking lightning powers! Why does she never use it?!

Re: Kira's mom

If you're still trying to engage with the show on a deeper level, I salute you. After that mess last season, I'm just going to take in the show's shallow pleasures and leave it at that.

This is a veritable Firestorm of puns!

Man, I wish I could think like you but the thought of Hannibal being over is way too painful.

Also, can companies really own such a huge share of the industry? Aren't there antitrust laws for that?

I know 'riveting' is one of those words that get thrown around a lot but he truly is riveting. You notice how subtly off-kilter most of the composition is because you keep focused on him and feel like everything is a bit off.

His eyes are amazing. Wide open and yet completely mysterious. Used to great effect in The Pacific, same with this show.

Happy Birthday ICP!

I actually got more of a "The Devil's Backbone" vibe with the snail-infested cellar.

SO FRUSTRATING. And yet, I'm kinda sorta glad they didn't. I'd never tire of them flirting and eye-fucking each other.

Textbook definition of classic timeless clothing.