
That's exactly what I like about Mei, no petty bullshit. She just improvised and kept cooking. She reserved her ranting for the cameras.

You can basically copy-paste the same reaction I had after the Red Wedding.

The events of The Winter Soldier really made the show click into place and gave it narrative focus. Season 2 is a really fun ride.

That bit was better than those two shitty FF movies.

This. I'm not 100% on Wells being Reverse Flash just yet.

I have never heard of Moondragon but she sounds PERFECT for Tilda.

Ahh, the TC version of bringing a goat to final tribal council. I like it.

The AV Club

I would grow the biggest nerd boner if Tilda friggin Swinton showed up in the MCU.

I miss the Dawes-era AV club.

My favorite Cisco moment so far. It's the look on his face that sold that bit.

Guys, I think I might just be high from watching the crossover episodes back to back, but I think I might like Cisco! Like, I found him legitimately funny!

A 2 hour crossover holiday special ala British TV would be fantastic.

What I didn't buy was how they all just happen to have wire cutters.

Tootsy Fruitsy!

Unless it's animated.

Double wigs or nothing.

I had no idea a cooper is an actual occupation. This show doesn't just make me feel smart, it's actually teaching me something!

Hey, it's not as Tumblr-y as it sounds. There's just plenty of ho-yay going around that show.

Not a sponsorship but didn't Elia attempt to rip Tom Collichio a new one for daring to endorse Coke Zero?