
it’s universal, I can understand where some of them come from, dead end jobs, no minimal benefits, indifferent or outright assholish bosses, shitty pay and prickly customers can get ideas on some employees, and if said stunts make the owners cry, all the better!

meh, hes got “actual floppy-dick-horns in head” kind of money, I’m sure he will get laid with a measly set of horns photoshoped on google.

I see you also have great taste!

yeah, a woman 20 years their major who willingly invites a gaggle of teens surely isn’t expecting brute force :P

True, but people with old systems, like me, appreciate it.

wait, those pics aren’t from Warframe??

cheese rinds for stock. now that’s a concept I haven’t tried!

Like a tuuurd... In THE wind...

sour, rancid, stinking ass

most people in America (the continent), like me, only have access to cheeses that have been packaged and kept in cold storage for weeks or months, so it does smell of ammonia compared with the real deal.

some heat takes the smell of, tho.

if you heat it a bit the flavor changes A LOT. try, for instance, baking a whole brie inside some pastry.

if you can afford Brie or Camembert... EAT THE GODDAMN RIND!!! 

I nearly die the first time I had a korean soup with mochi, the damn thing slipped after the first bite and lodged in my throat until I decided to drink the burning hot soup to make it pass through...

some of my clients only use facebook, so to the very least it would need to be the equivalent of lost revenue plus extras.

wow, if you told me it’s an early GnR song I would have believed it... it sounds so generic.

and it never occurred to him to have a few sessions of muggle Q&A with the muggle raised wizard residing under his very roof (and who would have been grateful to make himself useful and relevant)

with the new naming system she would have to have a chinese name, but the bandages idea sounds cool, like the sukeban of the early 80s

There are korean eggs in a chili brine, so its possible to add miso to it.

the problem with the Shun swap is that out of the five protagonists he was, well, feminine in comparison to the classic shonen male heroes the rest of the bronze saints were, he has the most growth (comparatively) besides Ikki, the other 3 were kind of blank slates anyway, just with barely enough personality to fill

so... they disappear the bishonen protagonist, sigh, it’s like going back 40 years.