
IF has worked for me, I am at the 18:6 ratio and haven’t been able to overcome the barrier to 20:4. Other than that, people starts noticing a few changes, I actually look very slightly thinner after a few weeks.

Butter on coffee is mediocre, pretty much any oil on it. it does makes you feel not-hungry, tho.

the similitudes are very superficial, at most.

the maximum chance of getting a squad for it is way lower than that.

I’m telling you, RNGesus hates me!

then RNGesus hates me, because I have been farming atlas for months

Atlas and octavia too

thinking on getting equinox

add a nidus to the mix and you are superman.

checking around, I realized I forgot to mention there is also Piloncillo on the recipe, sorry.

the basic one, Mexican style Chocolate, like the Oaxacan you mentioned, Cinnamon, fresh masa de tortilla (not maseca, ew), something to sweeten it and water.

have you tried champurrado?

a possible explanation was that there wasn’t so much of an impact, as the mass from the frigate was simply way too much to even acknowledge Snokes ship mass, maybe a sun, far, far away is going to get hit by the runaway stream of mass and explode, taking an entire system with it.

yeah, super heated and accelerated mass would do that, and would justify the recoil all cannons exhibit.

nope, but droid-controlled? yup.

maybe there is a threshold of how much hyperspeed accelerated mass that shield can deflect, and the frigate most likely surpassed it in spades.
Also, those ships it bounced were already slowing down, instead of jumping right in.

relativistic speed particles have a hell of a kick, now a whole ship?. I fear for whatever unlucky system whose sun is in the receiving end of the near-light-speed stream of debris that ship became.

well, Henry Kissinger he ain’t.

yup, the whole US political gamut stays deep on the right side of the scale.