
I enjoy this. Yet again shows how mindblowingly stupid conservatives are. Rural residents deserve this shit now. They deserve to have all their services cut due to profits. Maybe then they will realize that voting R means voting against their interests.

If you have to have the company that made the car you own activate the car so you can drive it, you don’t really own the car.

It’s not, which is what makes all these posts so silly. “Here’s an awful thing from an old novel that you won’t see in the theater!” I read multiple posts around here thrilled that Idris Elba was cast as Roland in The Dark Tower, but none about how he rapes Sylvia with the barrel of his gun to kill her unborn child.

I think she’s hinting without actually saying it that only women can safely present such things because males are inherently perverted and abusive. Double standard du jour.

Well, there was never any chance that scene was going to make it into the movie, which is fine by me. However, I do think we have a tendency to want to filter childhood sexuality through some kind of sanitizing lens that at the very least paints it in idealistic terms and at worst outright desexualizes kids so that we

What makes you think any of them actually read the book? The sudden discovery and subsequent outrage (especially at Jezebel) makes me wonder if any of them have read any King at all.

So... are you mad at the scene or...?
It is over 30 years old now. I mean... 
It sure is getting a lot of press due to the movie. Did you all just read the book for the first time?

Just give up. You’ve revealed, through a Cascade of code words, that you are racist.

To be clear: the country is becoming less white. Not immediately, but there are reports that the country will be majority non-white by 2050 at the latest. Here’s the thing, though: there was never a referendum about this.

No. There were Rey action figures in the first series of both the 6" and 3.75" The Force Awakens waves (with her face uncovered). She wasn’t short packed either.

The problem wasn’t that Hasbro wasn’t making Rey figures, it’s that stores couldn’t keep Rey on shelves. In my area, Rey was initially a peg warmer and Kylo

You’re seeing the consequences, not the source: the law is stupid and idiotic within the Jedi. Denying your feelings instead of focusing them is what leads to the dark side. The Jedi misunderstood this rule. See how that worked out for them.

a quick search on Amazon brings up at least 13 Rey with face uncovered action figures from The force Awakens on the first page alone

For me, the finale where Jim is Dwight’s best man and takes his duties so seriously completely erases the times he crossed the line. Dwight was also massively antagonistic to everyone in the office on a regular basis, but the finale episode showed they all had a lot of love for each other.

I know I do! She’s the kind of Becky that has a really loose definition that seems totally subjective and is more an excuse to drag oblivious white women than anything else, but you totally know one just like her, and she’s a fucking piece of work, that Becky. Oh, I fucking hate her so much. Did I ever tell you

Tammey is such a Becky.

Absolutely ridiculous. It is NOT whitewashing. It is an adaptation. In asian countries when they remake American movies with local celebrities the population doesn’t flip out that it is being asianwashed. This bullshit has to stop. This isn’t like Ghost in the Shell which was set in Japan but replaced the leads with

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

That film worsened an already awful storyline about Batgirl’s paralyzation

And I’m saying the rest of the civilized world has laws that take away your liberty for offensive speech. Do you know what we don’t have over here in Canada? People protesting with guns waving nazi flags around. The cops would have stopped that nazi rally dead in it’s tracks had it started here.

I expect to be able to buy a piece of software at a reasonable price one time and be able to use it, as-is, for as long as I want. And later on down the line, if I see that they’ve made a new version with new features that I want, I would be willing to pay a reasonable price one time to be able to use that version,