
But how can that be? Wasn't I repeatedly told how this was going to fix everything and set all kinds of precedent that would help out the little guy? Didn't I have a long argument with people on here where I said that was a fantasy because it would be settled out of court for an undisclosed sum? And didn't they treat

“and what it means for a modern game channeling that era”

When you get done endlessly praising a man for clambering around on rocks like a toddler, you think you might get around to addressing the part where he effectively murdered a woman by not bothering to retrieve help for her after she was buried in an avalanche?

What’s that you say? We’re all stuck living in a grotesque dystopia of our own making?

Yeah, I mean, sure, sometimes it takes a millennia or so to “pick themselves up”, but whatevs. No biggie. 

No, in fact, you don’t declaw any cats. Because that involves surgically removing a large portion of their digits. Most cat owners now recognize it as cruel.

I am now picturing some helpless Mexicans trying endlessly to reach Canada and inexplicably ending up back where they started. Over, and over, and over.

Is the eye-opening part his atrocious grammar?

You should be fine in either order.

Are you asking a Trump supporter for solid evidence that something happened?

His look here seems to be a compromise between his appearance in Clone Wars, and Forest Whitaker’s portrayal.

Any particular reason my earlier comment on this article is invisible,even when viewing pending replies? This seems to happen every time I say anything on io9.

Miller can say any bloody thing he wants to now. Who’s going to bother contradicting him now that he’s left the film?

There was a long while where she had the antennae, but hadn’t yet turned green. As Seen Here.

Anybody else just completely done with dystopias?

Or, just like the comics, one can accept that many stories can coexist in a single universe without feeling the need to continuously reference each other and cross over when it isn’t appropriate.

Both Marvel and DC could stand to do a fair bit better with regard to representation of anyone under the LGBT umbrella that isn’t an attractive lesbian or bisexual woman.

Well, the film actually used to have a premise. A dark, psychological based one. Then they took it out.

Yep. Shooter’s sweeping-under-the-rug of characters like Ghost Rider, Mephisto, and Daimon Hellstrom seems to have very much been a reaction to the ‘satanic panic’ of the era, and a desire to keep Marvel out of the crosshairs.

Not really. Gene had some good ideas, but his storytelling sensibilities were often questionable, and he had a habit of meddling to the franchise’s detriment in later years.