
I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that every angry white man on public transit has John Wick’s combat skills. And it’s disrespectful to take this story and turn it into a teachable moment about the benefits of being a chickenshit.

Yes, Cameron is a technological innovator. No one will dispute that Avatar was a technical tour-de-force.

All of them.

Which is odd given that I was, as I stated, genuinely curious.

Look, I know that you love the call-out and feel that maybe you can silence others by wielding bullshit labels like weapons. But you can’t. That wasn’t mansplaining and your attempts to prove how pure your politics are by throwing such labels around is toxic and transparent.

5 years PROBATION! Probation.....probation. Let’s stop acting like he was tossed in a gulag for solitary. He was convicted of a BURGLARY and got PROBATION. How that’s unjust or evidence of a biased legal system is lost on me.

Man, facts are sticky huh? Breaking into someone’s home, ruining the safety and sanctity of that space and stealing something that someone worked hard to earn money for is now minimized to “stealing $120".

Whoop... Humourless Trump Brigade (H.T.B) to the rescue of El Capitan. One Trump comment in and you’re already pointing it out in the most douchey way possible... congratulations.

The Discovery trailer was trash.

I feel like these comics would last longer on the market if the people who cry foul when they get cancelled ACTUALLY bought them when they were being published.

Coates is still writing more Black Panther. Marvel just cancelled the spin-off book.

On the other hand, though, cancelling the only mainstream comic book featuring an all-black team of heroes just weeks after Marvel’s VP of sales blamed the company’s drop in profit on books featuring women and characters of color is the definition of a bad look.

Your dad is probably “working” a higher percentage of the time he’s on his shift than you and your white collar friends. Just because you’re in the office 60 hours a week certainly doesn’t mean you’re “working” more than 20-30 hours.


Oh that is really unbelievably bad.

Swing and a miss, Katherine.

Eh? I don’t know, I think it sexualized their relationship (not the first time) as a way of illustrating the extent of the closeness. I see fellatio used all the damn time against women and men as a way to indicate their inferiority and subservience in relation to the beneficiary. Homophobic though? I don’t know, I’m

No, it means he’s calling him a whore. I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic. Cool attempt to gin up controversy though.