
He said that his Islamic faith and his commitment to justice are intertwined, and he would not be a good Muslim if he turned a blind eye to the injustices the black community faces on a daily basis.

I always see lots of bad stuff said about Mad Catz and the quality of their controllers, but my personal view of them has always been biased since they gave me this:

Well, you’re wrong. Plain and simple. When a user signs up for a service there are clear “Terms of Service” that they accept. Even then - we are talking about a hypothetical. Twitter does and should have the right to police what is being put on their service. You’re beyond foolish if you believe otherwise. But, either

“Tweeted? wtf is tweeted? Anything that is tweeted should not be taken seriously. I live by that.”

Then you’re either lying, willfully ignorant, or a fool.

Your choice I guess?

I’d put even money Optimus here is either in college and going through the standard “I’m a libertarian without actually understanding what that

This statement implies willful ignorance--or a desire to cover for hateful statements made by others because, “It’s on Twitter, it’s not serious, lulz.”

At the moment, here in the US, we have a POTUS who tweets more often than he engages with the public or the press—and his tweets have the weight of his office behind

You are a horrible piece of shit.

You’re a piece of fucking garbage.

I wonder if they will replace Jontron’s voice with Nolan North’s.

D.B. Pooper

Promoting high-horse view of life and above-the-law behaviour as well as arming the individual with more money they can handle is not exactly innocent.

Sorry mate, I find it hard to justify innocent lives being taken away from people in front of their relatives because some rich dude bought his son a fast car and failed to educate him on responsibility.

It would be much more fare, if the driver smashed into hist own house burning himself and his parents along the way for such a failure to produce a decent human being.

Counterpoint: I think photo speed enforcement and red light photo cameras should be absolutely everywhere. Speed cameras should trigger if someone is 5 or more over the limit, and red light cameras should trigger (as they do now) if a driver enters the intersection after the light turns red, and should show speed (and

Vigo is in way better shape than Trump, and he’s been dead for centuries.

The portrait already exists.

Yeah! Really! Trump only stands to threaten the lives of poor Americans. Why can’t we put that behind us? Why is everyone so angry? It’s just poor people and minorities who are being threatened. And Europe. And Mexico. Who cares? So long as we can still have barbecues and wave American flags, what’s the big
